Archive for April, 2009

I see this all the time: Someone comes to me because they are feeling stuck and frustrated around ‘HOW’ to bring their great new idea into being. They are ready to make a change, they even know what they want to create for themselves, but they do not have a clue how to make it happen. They are frustrated because they feel stuck in not knowing how to go about it. They can’t figure out the details of how it is going to work. They feel bogged down in all the details and eventually they get frustrated enough to give up on the idea.

Not knowing what to do is frustrating, and can feel like you are banging your head up against a wall. This feeling leads many folks to just give up and not even try. The discomfort of not knowing is so overwhelming that it makes some folks give up their dreams as being unattainable. I am here to tell you that all your dreams are possible and attainable; you just need to approach the process of creating them a bit differently.

First thing you need to do is accept the idea that you are not going to know what to do sometimes, and that is OK. It is part of the process. BUT, just because you do not know now, it does not mean you will not know later. You need to create some space for the ‘HOW’ of something to revel itself. The best way to do that is to stay tuned into the energy of ‘WHAT‘you want and ‘WHY’ you want it.

Let me break this down a bit more.

The ‘What’ is the actual thing that you want to bring into your life? It may be a new job, relationship, money, house, car or any other thing that you want.
The ‘WHY’ is the reason you want this ‘thing’. There is always a reason behind a desire. When you get right down to it, you believe that this ‘thing’ will make you feel a certain way. This feeling is what you want to tap into.

For example, maybe you want a new job because you want to make more money and be more creative. You have no idea how to find this job, and where to look.
The ‘What’ would be the new job.

The ‘Why’ would be the feeling of having more money and creativity.

Allow yourself to imagine what it will be like to be enjoying your new job with your creativity flowing and the money rolling in. Imagine what your ideal day would look like. What would you do with the extra money? How does it feel to be so tapped in creatively? Are you happy to get up in the morning? Expand this vision as wide as possible and tap into it frequently. By doing this you are expanding the energy of your desire. As you amplify the energy of it, the details and the how of it will start to appear.

I guarantee it. It is the nature of the Universe.

Take a minute and share the ‘What” and the ‘Why” of what you want. Start amplifying it now!

Categories : Stretching Yourself
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Lively discussion about manifestation. We touch on ways to manifest and how it is related to other magical practices.

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Defy the Box Radio

Defy the Box Radio is a bi-weekly show geared toward edgy, boundary pushing individuals who are committed to creating a vital, thrilling, and financially rewarding life using laws of deliberate creation to do so.

NEXT EPISODE: “What the Heck is Manifestation and How Do I Do It?” airs Tuesday, April 28th at 9:00PM EDT!

Host Leah Shapiro and and fellow boundary-pusher Papillon will discuss manifestation and the different ways to bring things into your life.

This show is interactive. You can call in using the number below and ask questions, or you can interact with us via the chat system on the web page from the link below.
Or you can just lurk in the background and listen from the link below.

Here’s the link:

Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Call ID: 46173
Duration: 60 min.

The calls will also be recorded and available for download and listening from the site.

Join Us!:

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When the desire is born, right away you start counting yourselves a failure, because you’ve got this desire that hasn’t been satisfied. Know that you never get it done! And since you never get it done, it’s time to stop being unhappy about what’s undone, because most of it is undone! You are an eternal being. Most of it is undone. Instead of taking score about what’s been achieved — we want you to start feeling anticipation about what is still to arrive…
~From Abraham-Hicks

I like this.
Wanting something, or having a feeling of desire for something often leads you down the path of focusing on what is missing.
I know that I used to get caught up in the feeling of lack around what I wanted. I would have a desire for something different to show up in my life and then I would spend my time noticing how it was not there yet and trying to ‘figure out’ what I needed to do to make it show up.
When I started going deep into working with the Law of Attraction and Manifestation, I realized that by focusing on how things were not showing up yet, I was basically keeping what i wanted from coming into my experience.
It is all about the energy that I am embodying, and when I notice what is not showing up or is missing, and I focus attention there…even if I am tying to ‘make it happen’…. I am really just noticing the lack and that is what I get more of. What you focus on expands into your reality.

This is where faith and trust in the process comes in. Now I operate from the place of knowing that the Universe is conspiring with me to bring me all that I desire. My job is to have the desire for something and feel the energy of it. Then sit back and enjoy the ride.

Categories : Stretching Yourself
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Love and appreciation are identical vibrations. Appreciation is the vibration of alignment with who-you-are. Appreciation is the absence of everything that feels bad and the presence of everything that feels good. When you focus upon what you want – ;when you tell the story of how you want your life to be – you will come closer and closer to the vicinity of appreciation, and when you reach it, it will pull you toward all things that you consider to be good in a very powerful way.

Excerpted from the book “Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth and Happiness” by Abraham-Hicks

Categories : Stretching Yourself
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