Hey…how cool of you to come check out my affiliate page.
In order to get in on spreading the love and pimping out my stuff, you need to click the link below. It whisks you away to e-junkie where all your information will be gathered…and stored…and organized.
This is the link to click right here: Join our Affiliate Program!
The affiliate share is 33% of the price of the product. There is no minimum payout, so if you sell one product, we pay you for one product. None of this waiting till you’ve made 20 sales…that is not how we roll here.
You will be paid within 45 days of the sale and the payment being made.The payouts will be made via Paypal.
I will do my best to provide you with all the things you need in order to promote what I am offering. If you need something that I am not giving you please let me know! I will do my best to provide it.
Remember, if someone clicks over to my site from your link, and then comes back and buys something over the next 6 months, you still get the affiliate payout for that purchase. So don’t be afraid to pimp out my free stuff…..like the e-book and free tele-classes.
I really appreciate your support and desire to help spread the love and make us both rich!
You Rock!