Here’s part four of my series describing the three key components to flying your freak flag so you can AMP UP your shine factor and make more money.

In my last post I talked about taking a stand and giving people something to believe in.

Now it’s time to talk about what will make you super shiny!!

Key #3- Creating from a place of alignment.

As I’ve said before, if you want to make the big bucks, you need to stand out and be super shiny to the people who resonate with what you’re offering.

Being super shiny comes from feeling great about who you are and what your offering.

In my mind this comes down to creating from a place of ALIGNMENT and LOVING everything that you are putting out there.

What does being in alignment mean?

It means your are lined up with that part of you that knows who you are and where you’re headed. I call it your divine self; you may call it your soul, higher self, god (insert your own term here).

This part of you is constantly communicating with you through your emotions. If you feel good, you’re on the right track. If you feel bad you’re off course.

When you are in alignment you are tapped into your ever abundant and prosperous flow. When you operate from this space things magically fall into place; opportunities appear and you stand out and become super shiny – this leads to more money!

How do you come into this magical, shiny place?

By doing what feels GOOD to YOU in your business.

You offer what you are inspired to offer, in the way that feels best to you, regardless of what anyone else says. When you do this you show up in a powerful way and it makes you super shiny and attractive to the people who want that special something that only you can offer.

Create everything from a place of alignment- programs, emails, blog posts, video’s, sales pages, pricing, EVERYTHING!

Tune into your inner guidance, feel for your alignment and trust yourself.

Alignment is simple enough to follow – when you feel good, you are in alignment and super shiny.

When things feel off, forced, or fake, you’re out of alignment, and you fade back into the big beige blur.

Are you ready to become super shiny?

This is a great place to start:

1. Practice feeling for your alignment.
Being in alignment = feeling good.

2. Where are you out of alignment in your business?
For example – Where are you following a blueprint or doing what your coach says even though it feels off to you?
Where are you struggling?
If it feels forced or you’re not getting the results you want – ditch it!!

3. Tune into your inner guidance – what are you excited about offering people?
Don’t get caught up in what other people are doing. This is your business. Offer what you want to offer the way you want to offer it.
Only offer what you LOVE!

4. Think about your super powers and the most kick-ass way to share them with people.
If only booking client sessions 3 days a week feels kick-ass, you go for it.
If you enjoy working 1 on 1 with people rather than offering group programs, do it!

5. Speak and write in your own voice.
Focus on communicating in a way that feels true to you. Your fans will get it.

6. Spend time appreciating and loving up everything you are offering. This is an important step! The more time you spend loving up and appreciating what you have created, the more you amplify the energy of it. This makes it super shiny and irresistible to other people.


Are you noticing any places that you feel out of alignment in your business right now?



Kick-Ass Guide


The Missing Piece (Video)

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Want to know what gets me all riled up and wanting to take action?

Watch this video and see what I stand for!

This video was inspired by the comments of my last blog post- What Do You Stand For?

While I was reading the comments I got a loud flash of inspiration that said- SELF-ACCEPTANCE!!!

It was the Universe saying- YOU have permission to be YOU.

I bet the Universe will tell you the same thing if you let it.

Imagine what your day would be like if you loved and accepted yourself?

What would be different for you?

What would be possible?




What Do You Stand For?

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Here’s part three of my series describing the three key components to flying your freak flag so you can AMP UP your shine factor and make more money.

In my last post I talked about owning who you are and what differentiates you from all the rest.

Let’s rock out Key 2: 

Taking a stand for what you believe in

Why do you do what you do?

I know there is a very specific reason why you decided to open up your business.
On the surface it might have been because you don’t want to work for someone else, or it was to make money, but I know that there’s more to it than that.

Connecting to the reason WHY you do what you do, knowing what you believe in, and setting up your business to reflect that is the way to attract loyal fans who give you money.

It all comes down to this:
People buy what they believe in.

They hire you & become loyal fans because they resonate with what you stand for, and the revolution/transformation that you are offering.

The services you offer are the vehicle that transports people to your revolution

When you combine your revolution with your super powers; you become the obvious choice for your people.

If you don’t know WHY you do what you do, how can you compel someone to hire or be loyal to you?

 Taking a Stand

What do you stand for?

How do you feel about taking a stand for what you believe in?

Does it sound scary to you?

Are you afraid that if you express a strong opinion you will lose clients and people will unsubscribe from your list?

You know what? They will! People will unsubscribe and not work with you, but that is OK. They were not your right people to begin with.

Look at it this way, you want people to rally up under your freak flag. In order to do that you need be bold and courageous and have an opinion. Give them something to say ” Hell Yhea!” to!

Be a revolutionary and wave your flag high and proud! That’s the way to rally up your fans. Give them something to rally around.

What if you offend someone?

Who cares!!!!! Stop worrying about offending people! It limits your self expression.

I’m not suggesting that you intentionally say offensive things.

No matter how careful you are-not everyone is going to like you no matter what you do. You’re better off being yourself and saying what you want to say. Give people something to talk about! There is nothing worse than being forgettable.

People hire you because they have a strong opinion about you and resonate with what you’re offering.

The people who say “Hell Yeah” are your right people, and they are the ones who will give you money. The ones who don’t like what you have to say or the way you show up, were never going to buy anything from you to begin with. Got it?

Spend some time identifying what you believe in and stand for in your life and your business. It doesn’t matter if it’s freaky or obscure. If you feel strongly about it and are compelled to take action around this, I guarantee that there are people out there who are waiting for you to raise your flag so they can rally around it.


Helpful questions for identifying what you stand for

What’s your point of view about how the world works?

What drives you crazy?

What do you see as missing?

What pisses you off?

Where do you constantly want to take action to change things?

In most cases, this is what got you into the business that you are in. It’s the WHY and the driving force behind what you do



Share what you stand for in the comments below!




Owning Your Bad-Ass Self

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In my previous post I laid out the three key components to flying your freak flag so you can AMP UP your shine factor and make more money.

In this post I’m going to talk about key #1: Owning who you are and what differentiates you from all the rest.

If you want to own who you are: you got to know who you are!

You need to know what drives you, what is special about you, and give yourself permission to be 100% you in your full freaky glory.

Start off by answering these questions:

Why would someone want to hire you instead of someone else?

What is your unique perspective about the world and how it works?

What are your super powers?

If you can answer these questions – Yay!! You’re on your way to flying your freak flag high and proud.

If you can’t – you are not alone!!

I see a lot of people getting stuck and having a hard time answering these kinds of questions.

Are you taking these things for granted or having a hard time seeing them to begin with?

Have you taken the time to really get to know yourselves intimately, learn what works, or what your preferences are?

Are you too caught up in the bus-y-ness of life and trying to do everything the right way – that you’ve lost touch with your own way of doing things?

I suspect that you spend way more time thinking about how you can “fix” yourself and improve your perceived flaws. I’m going to tell you right now you wasting your time doing that. You’re way better off spending your time thinking about all your talents, preferences and what makes you rock!

Give yourself permission to be 100% you! Flaws, quirks, strengths, freaky bits, and everything in between!


I can’t express how important this piece of the process is!

I suggest spending some time reconnecting with YOU and what makes you tick. Set aside some quiet space in your day to journal, mediate, or just hang out with YOU. Notice how you feel and what your inner-guidance is telling you. Write it down. Notice with out judgement. It’s all good!

In most cases, the things that are freaky and weird about you are going to be your strongest selling points.  All you need to do is embrace them and bring them forward ( I know, easier said than done! This is something that I can help you with. *wink*.)

From an energetic perspective…

Coming to place of love and acceptance within yourself, and knowing what your super powers are is vital if you want to become super shiny to the people who are going to buy from you.

How you feel about yourself and the work you do is reflected in your energy and people unconsciously respond to it.

If you own your amazing ability to express emotion through your voice or cut through the bullshit to see where someone is blocked, then you will be sending a strong clear signal out saying, “I am great at this!”  You will attract opportunities to do those things. When you doubt yourself and aren’t clear on what you’re good at; you send out doubtful energy that attracts more of the same.


Here are some action steps to help you OWN your Bad-Ass Self!

Make a commitment to get to know YOU better.

Consider these things:

  1. Pay attention to what you do naturally and what interests you (this is where your super powers can be found).
  2. Acknowledge your strengths and your weaknesses and find a way to embrace both.
  3. Notice your natural rhythm and the way you like to work with people.
  4. Pay attention to what your point of view and unique perspective are.
  5. Identify what you stand for in your life and your business. What kind of revolution would you like to lead? (This is really important, and I’ll talk more about it in the next blog post.)

If your want a some extra help – The Discovering Kick-Ass Guide  is just the thing-



Share your thoughts and questions in the comments below!


Do you struggle to make all the money you need to survive?

It’s not surprising!

There are tons of people offering the same basic services that you are. It’s like a big beige blur of boring…everyone doing the same things the same way.

You could be a musician, healer, coach, or other type of entrepreneur and whether or not you’re successful comes down to the same thing-

Are you able to differentiate yourself from all the rest and become the obvious choice?

If people don’t know that you exist and remember you- there is no way in hell you’re going to make any real money!

Flying your freak flag is the answer!

Flying your freak flag makes you interesting and gives people something to rally around!

It eliminates competition; makes you stand out & become super shiny; and makes it really easy for the people who resonate with what you have to offer to find you.

What is flying your freak flag all about?

Being fully self-expressed, having an opinion and bringing all of you to the party, so you can let your brilliance shine!!

It’s also about saying “Yes” to what you are interested in and saying “No” to the crap you could care less about.

Flying your freak flag AMPS Up your shine factor so you become super shiny to the people who are looking for what you are offering.

When you offer what you want to offer in your own unique way there is no competition, because you have your own unique magic and way of doing things.

Tap into your own special brand of magic and the cash starts rolling in! Can I get a big “Hell Yhea!”

Here is the thing that no-body tells you -

What you stand for and the quirks that make you weird and freaky are really your biggest selling points!! These are the things that are going to attract people to you and make you the obvious choice.

Flying your freak flag in your biz specifically allows you to be REAL and bring it all with you: strengths, flaws, weird habits, freaky ideas, vulnerabilities, and your unique perspective and talents. These are the things that are going to allow people to connect with you, and say a big “YES” and hand over the cash.

I know this sounds kind of scary! Especially when you apply this concept to your biz! It goes against the pre-packaged biz ideas we were brought up with. The pre-packaged way of doing biz has us hiding these things under a suit of conformity……I suspect that doesn’t work for you.

Contrary to what we have been brought up to believe- It’s OK to let the REAL you show in your biz. Matter of fact- it’s preferable. It builds trust and allows people to connect with you.

Three Key Components

There are three key components to flying your freak flag-

1. Owning who you are and what differentiates you from all the rest
2. Taking a stand for what you believe in
3. Creating from a place of alignment

I’ll break each one down in upcoming blog posts.

Remember- there are plenty of other people out there who are just as weird and freaky as you who are dying to be seen and understood!
When you fly your freak flag - you give other people permission to do it too! That’s a beautiful thing. It’s inspiring and it allows the people who resonate with what you have to offer to find you.

~I hope you really take this part in ~

People don’t become your raving fans who buy up everything that you offer because of what you do (service wise). They do it because of who you are, the way they relate to you and what you stand for.

Especially in these times, people are sick and tired of being scammed and taken advantage of. They want to deal with real people who they can trust and relate to.

Flying your freak flag and being real allows people to relate to and trust you!

Let me add this last piece-

Flying your freak flag doesn’t require you to get crazy and dye your hair blue and act all wild-unless that’s what feels right to you. It can be something as simple as talking about your mermaid obsession, or rocking out a tie dye shirt as part of your biz attire. The key is to let people see you in an authentic way.

I will leave you with these three questions-

What parts of your biz doesn’t feel like you?

Where are you hiding out?

What are three things that you can do today to bring more of YOU into your biz so people can see the real you?

Share your thoughts in the comments below!