Archive for coaching
The Truth About Naysayers
Posted by: | Comments“I want to work for myself so I can travel and do my own thing!”
“Are you serious? What about health insurance?”
“I can’t stand this freaking job; it’s sucking me dry! I want to quit and work for myself!”
“Are you crazy? In this economy you’re lucky to have a job!”
Sound familiar?
Want to know why the people around you turn into naysayers every time you come up with a brilliant idea for breaking free of your pre-packaged life?
I assure you it’s not because you’re ideas are crazy and you shouldn’t do it.
The problem is that you’re talking to the wrong people!
Remember- you’re one of those rare individuals who are driven be the desire for freedom!
The naysayers are driven by a desire for security. They mean well and their comments are coming from a place of love and concern, BUT your ideas are always going to sound crazy and risky to them. They can’t help it; it’s just how they’re wired.
Just like YOU can’t help wanting to break free and have the freedom to do what you want to do.
It’s all good. No one is wrong in this scenario, BUT what do you do about it?
Find other freedom seekers to co-conspire and share your dreams of freedom with.
If you are really serious about making those dreams a reality; bring in the big guns and hire a life coach.
What would change for you if you got a big “Hell Yhea” when you shared your dreams?
What would be possible if you got the support you needed to bring your dreams to life?
I’m picturing lots of Kick-Ass-Ness!
I’m here to help you create the freedom that you seek. I’ve created lots of juicy freedom in my life and helped hundreds of other people do the same.
If you’re ready to rock, let’s talk! Email me here to start the conversation.
What Do You Stand For?
Posted by: | CommentsHere’s part three of my series describing the three key components to flying your freak flag so you can AMP UP your shine factor and make more money.
In my last post I talked about owning who you are and what differentiates you from all the rest.
Taking a stand for what you believe in
Why do you do what you do?
I know there is a very specific reason why you decided to open up your business.
On the surface it might have been because you don’t want to work for someone else, or it was to make money, but I know that there’s more to it than that.
Connecting to the reason WHY you do what you do, knowing what you believe in, and setting up your business to reflect that is the way to attract loyal fans who give you money.
It all comes down to this:
People buy what they believe in.
They hire you & become loyal fans because they resonate with what you stand for, and the revolution/transformation that you are offering.
The services you offer are the vehicle that transports people to your revolution
When you combine your revolution with your super powers; you become the obvious choice for your people.
If you don’t know WHY you do what you do, how can you compel someone to hire or be loyal to you?
Taking a Stand
What do you stand for?
How do you feel about taking a stand for what you believe in?
Does it sound scary to you?
Are you afraid that if you express a strong opinion you will lose clients and people will unsubscribe from your list?
You know what? They will! People will unsubscribe and not work with you, but that is OK. They were not your right people to begin with.
Look at it this way, you want people to rally up under your freak flag. In order to do that you need be bold and courageous and have an opinion. Give them something to say ” Hell Yhea!” to!
Be a revolutionary and wave your flag high and proud! That’s the way to rally up your fans. Give them something to rally around.
What if you offend someone?
Who cares!!!!! Stop worrying about offending people! It limits your self expression.
I’m not suggesting that you intentionally say offensive things.
No matter how careful you are-not everyone is going to like you no matter what you do. You’re better off being yourself and saying what you want to say. Give people something to talk about! There is nothing worse than being forgettable.
People hire you because they have a strong opinion about you and resonate with what you’re offering.
The people who say “Hell Yeah” are your right people, and they are the ones who will give you money. The ones who don’t like what you have to say or the way you show up, were never going to buy anything from you to begin with. Got it?
Spend some time identifying what you believe in and stand for in your life and your business. It doesn’t matter if it’s freaky or obscure. If you feel strongly about it and are compelled to take action around this, I guarantee that there are people out there who are waiting for you to raise your flag so they can rally around it.
Helpful questions for identifying what you stand for
What’s your point of view about how the world works?
What drives you crazy?
What do you see as missing?
What pisses you off?
Where do you constantly want to take action to change things?
In most cases, this is what got you into the business that you are in. It’s the WHY and the driving force behind what you do
Share what you stand for in the comments below!
Come Get Your F.R.E.E Taste
Posted by: | CommentsHere is the plan….
I have cleared my schedule for Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday so we can spend some time identifying your super powers and boosting your shine factor!!!
I want to give you a FREE taste of how an Unfurl Your Freak Flag Session can turn you into a Freak Flag Flying, Freedom Loving, Money Making Machine!
In 15 powerful minutes I can help you-
• Unleash your super powers
• Identify were your holding back and what to do about it
• Ditch the story that keeps you from doing the work you love
• Identify what you stand for and start your own revolution
• Get clear on what sets you apart and makes you super shiny
• Create a strategy for eliminating competition and rocking the house
• Amp up your shine factor 100%
• Reconnect to your inspiration and passion and come up with money making ways to express it.
• Hit the ejector button on all the things that aren’t serving you and start doing the things you want to do
Are you in???
Click here to submit your application and schedule your spot
I can’t wait to dive in with you!!
Viva La Revolution (Part 2)
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As promised, I am back with part 2 of – Viva La Revolution- how to identify your Revolution.
It’s all about showing up fully, differentiating yourself, and giving people a compelling reason to hire you so you can stop settling and make some real money doing what you love.
I left you thinking about your point of view.
In case you forgot- Your point of view is your unique perspective. It’s what you know to be true and feel passionate about. It’s the thing that drives you and the wisdom that you live by. It’s also what makes you special and unique.
It’s important to take the time to identify your point of view and be conscious of it because doing so helps you stay true to you, and sends out a powerful signal that attracts other people who resonate with it into your experience. They will quickly become your friends and allies.
Your Revolution
Once you have your point of view down, it’s time to move onto your Revolution.
Your Revolution springs out of your point of view and is based on what drives you crazy, what you see as missing, and where you constantly want to take action to change things. In most cases, this is what got you into the business that you are in. It’s the WHY and the driving force behind what you do.
Don’t be afraid to claim it!!!
I want to throw out there that your Revolution is about you taking a stand for what you believe in. Don’t be afraid to take a stand for the change you really want to see and raise up your flag. It doesn’t need to be popular or politically correct. It can go against what other people are doing and saying.
Matter of fact…it’s better to be bold! That is what a revolution is all about…shaking things up and saying “This can be different and I’m going to show you how”.
Your revolution is that thing that you can’t stop talking about! It will compel you to write a book and launch a website because you are passionate about it! You want to show other people how to avoid falling into this trap!
Your Revolution is a rallying point for people. They will get behind you and want to be part of it.
My revolution –
My revolution springs from being upset that so many talented musicians, coaches, and healers feel they have to give up their dreams, conform and settle for soul-sucking jobs in order to make money. If they do choose to do what they love, they think they have to conform to the standard way of doing things or settle for not making any money and barely getting by.
It breaks my heart because I know that they CAN make money doing what they love and being themselves; if they would just go for it and believe that it can happen and trust that there are plenty of people out there who will buy what they are offering.
My revolution is: Making money doing what you love while being 100% you in your full freaky glory! No settling or conforming!
I want you to pursue what interests you, do your own thing and own that special something –something that only you can share with the world. The goal is to be excited about what you’re doing and loving what you offer.
Love it! Own it! And fly that freak flag high and proud!
Is this a revolution that you want to be part of?
It’s your turn- What’s your revolution all about?
Remember-your revolution is personal. Think about what your journey in life has been about, what you have to learn and what you feel compelled to share. Who cares if 100 people are already talking about the similar thing! No one can do it like you.
Unfurl your freak flag!
Share what you come up with in the comments below.
If you need any help figuring out your revolution-sign up for an Unfurl Your Freak Flag Session!
Unfurl Your Freak Flag Sessions are 90 minutes of you and me time on the phone talking about all the ways you can make more money by bringing all of you into your biz. We’ll talk about your revolution, eliminating competition, standing out and shining, and rallying up the folks who are excited about giving you money. When we are done, you will have some clear strategies for unfurling your freak flag and flying it high and proud so you can make some real money!!!
Viva la Revolution! (Part 1)
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If you want to make money, you need to differentiate yourself from all the other people offering similar services. It doesn’t matter if you are a musician, healer or life transformation expert; you need to give people a compelling reason to hire YOU.
The question is- How do you go about doing that?
I’m going to say right up front this is not about the nuts and bolts of what you do and how you do it. There are plenty of coaches, musicians and healers out there, and everyone has different tools in their tool box. People don’t hire you because of how you do what you do. They hire you because they resonate with your message and what you stand for. They want to participate in the revolution that you are leading!
Claim Your Revolution!!!
When you are creating your own business it is all about you and what you bring into your biz. It’s your vision, skills, personality and perspective that you are selling. If you’re a freak like me-blindly following some guru’s blueprint for success won’t work .
Embracing who you are and what you stand for will get you much farther and it will feel way better. This is what flying your freak flag is all about!
I bet your thinking- Who me? Lead a revolution? Am I even qualified to do that?
Oh yes you are! I bet you already have one in mind, you just don’t know it yet, or you’ve been afraid to claim it.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve coached someone to reveal their revolution, but they back away from it already convinced that they can’t do it or no-body wants it.
Once they embrace it; things start shifting and new opportunities appear. Like the musician I worked with who wanted to be the Soul Drummer and lead the revolution of music as a spiritual practice. He embraced it and within a few weeks the money started rolling in. He landed a new steady gig with an awesome church band and attracted other musicians who feel the same way that he now collaborates with.
Discovering your Revolution
Let’s start with identifying your unique perspective.
We all have a unique perspective and way of seeing the world; let’s call it your point of view. Your point of view is what you know to be true and feel passionate about. It’s the thing that drives you and the wisdom that you live by. It’s also what makes you special and unique. It’s always there whether you recognize it or not.
Take the time to identify your point of view and be conscious of it. Doing so helps you stay true to you, and sends out a powerful signal that attracts other people who resonate with it into your experience. They will quickly become your friends and allies.
Here is my point of view- I am here to be fully self-expressed and create my life anyway I want too and you are too! We are both here to fly our freak flags high and proud and do the things that feel totally kick-ass to us. I’m responsible for all my OWN outcomes and happiness…just like you. When we take 100% responsibility for our own lives and do what feels best to us; our lives will be totally kick-ass and we will be tapped into our ever abundant flow.
What’s your point of view?
This piece can be tricky because it requires you to take a stand and have a strong opinion.
How does that feel to you?
I see so many entrepreneurs who are hesitant to take a stand! Is this you too?
You don’t want to offend anyone or miss out on potential clients who don’t have the same point of view, so you water down your message and get wishy-washy with your opinions and become a jack-of-all-things. This back fires because then people get confused about what you do so they don’t buy from you, or you end up doing a bunch of work you don’t want to do.
You want to have an opinion and to take a stand for what you believe in- in your life and your biz! There is nothing worse than someone who is whishy-washy and doesn’t take a stand for anything. It’s hard to trust them or know who they are.
People buy from people they resonate with!
Ok…I know this is getting a bit long….in the next few days I’ll post you- Viva La Revolution Part 2- where I talk about how to come up with your specific revolution.
For now – spend some time identifying your point of view and send me what you come up with in the comment section down below.