Want to know how to Amp Up Your Shine Factor so you can turn your bland brand into one that stands out and shines?

If your answer is “Hell Yhea!” sign up for this free email series and I’ll show you how to eliminate competition, stand out and shine, and become a beacon of sparkly light that attracts loyal fans straight to you door.

Does that sound like something you want in on?

Enter your name and email below!



I’m an expert at helping rebelicious, free-spirited entrepreneurs make more money by unfurling their freak flags.

The entrepreneurs I work with are tired of just scrapping by. Is that you? I can show you how to amplify your shine factor and attract more freedom, flow and money into your business by flying your freak flag high and proud.

I’m not only a great coach, but I am also skilled at explaining my process in simple, down to earth language that makes it easy to learn and apply to your own life.

There’s Never Been a Better Time to Set Yourself Apart

Unique people like you are an endangered species. Mainstream crap is everywhere, and it’s getting us nowhere.

If the world is going to truly change for the better, it’s going to take new ideas, bold creativity and people to start embracing their unique brilliance and sharing their gifts with the world.

You can start doing it right now. You can start flying your freak flag and experiencing more freedom, flow and money in your business right now.

And isn’t that what life’s all about?