Archive for break free


Caught in The Tangled Web of Conformity

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I’ve been pretty quiet lately. I’ve been all tangled up in a sticky web of “should” and “have too” concerning how I’m supposed to do things in my coaching biz.  It had me feeling totally stressed out, frustrated, and it was draining me of all my creative energy.

The worst part was that being caught in this web was also draining me of my excitement around the awesome new guidebook and discovery group that I am putting together. I’m totally passionate about what I have created, but trying to promote it in this pre-packaged way was making me very unhappy.

Luckily, some folks I’m in a mastermind group with called me out on my shit and said- “Leah, you are all about defying the box, promote this thing any way you want to! Why are you even trying to conform?”

That is a good freaking question!

Why am I caught up in this story that says I have to write up my sales copy in a specific way and put it out in the world in this pre-package format?

When I sit with this question I realize that sometimes I feel vulnerable and too attached to the results when I’m offering my coaching services.  What I’m offering the world is a little piece of my soul and that can feel very scary!  What if no-body wants it?? When I’m in this place, it’s easy to feel like I don’t know what I’m doing and look to other people for advice rather than tuning into what feels right to me. I buy into the idea that I need to do things a specific way to be successful.

What parts of your life do you find yourself thinking that you need to conform to a specific way of doing things?

All I can say is that I’m glad that I’ve come through on the other side!

In the next few weeks I’ll be rolling out my new Discovery group and awesome Guidebook in a way that feels kick-ass to me and I can’t wait to share it with you!


Categories : Clearing the Way
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Flying Your Freak Flag

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Have you ever found yourself holding parts of yourself back because you were afraid of what other people might think? I know I have!

I didn’t want to be laughed at or rejected in some other way. From an early age we’re so deeply conditioned to fit in! We learn how to hide our “flaws” and what makes us different so nobody notices them. The goal is to fit in and be liked by everyone.

What if I were to tell you that we have this all wrong?

What if embracing what makes you unique and different, hanging it out there for the world to see, would help you become more loved and accepted by your right people? What if it would ultimately lead to more success and satisfaction in all areas of your life?

You heard me right! Learning to embrace and amplify the things that make you different is the key to your success!  When it comes right down to it, flying your freak flag is all about allowing yourself to be 100% you, in your full freaky glory, and freely sharing your unique gifts and talents with the world. Doing this gives other people permission to do it too.

Flying your freak flag makes you stand out from the crowd and it’s so much easier for the people who are looking for what you have to offer to find you. I’m not just talking about in your business; it applies to your personal life too.

Let’s use my blue and purple hair as an example. My hair attracts a lot of conversation. It lets potential clients know that I am not a mainstream coach; it makes people curious and shows that I have a bit of an edge to me. I’m different and it makes people seek me out and want to engage with me. It affects my personal life the same way. People are attracted to me because I’m different. I’m not afraid to stand out and those are also the qualities of the folks that I like to spend time with. My letting my freak flag fly makes it really easy for the kind of people that I like to spend time with and work with find me.

Letting your freak flag fly doesn’t have to be extreme. It could be something simple like wearing some kind of flower or sparkly jewelry. It doesn’t even really have to be an appearance thing at all. You can give yourself permission to talk about your passion for goldfish and be quirky in that way.

When it comes right down to it, flying your freak flag is about loving yourself and not hiding the parts of you that are different. These are the things that are going to make you extraordinary and will attract your right people and the Kick-Ass Life that you crave.

It’s time to stop hiding and let your freaky self break free. What is one aspect of yourself that you are ready to let the world see?

If you are ready to stop hiding and would like some support as your unfurl your freak flag and step into your brilliance click here to set up a Kick-Ass Consultation. During this 30 minute conversation we will explore how we can work together to bring your brilliance out into the world so that your right people can find you.

Categories : Fly your freak flag
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This makes it easy to figure out

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I know that I have been doing a lot of  talking about the Create Your Kick-Ass Life in 2011 group program.

It get’s underway next week, so there is still time to get in on it if you like.

I thought I would change things up a bit and offer you this video instead a  another post about it.

I hope you like it!

(If you listen carefully you can hear my cat Spike attacking my other cat Tispy. It’s one of his favorite things to do.)

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Fear is Soooooo Tricky……..

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Today on Defy the Box Radio I talked about fear.

Strangely enough, I was fearful about doing the show…which is very unusual for me.

But this was the first time with the new show format and I was doing things in more of a questions and answer kind of way, with a bit of “spotlight” coaching thrown in. I was on my own with no co-host or guest to interview, and I was nervous about talking to myself and having to fill up all the space. It felt awkward and I was certainly having a hard time getting into my flow. Things shifted once I opened up the line and did some coaching……that feels so natural to me and I am in my flow when I am doing it.

I do think I am going to continue my quest to find a co-host if you think your might know someone.That will certainly help make it more fun for me……which usually translates to more fun for everyone. ;-)

But I am rambling here…..lets get back to the topic of fear.

Fear is one of the main reasons that people hire me. They want to make some big changes in their lives and they are afraid to do it.

Fear is tricky…it shows up in all kinds of disguises.










Cluelessness ( is that even a word?)


Today fear showed up disguised as nervousness and confusion for me.

I was edgy, uncomfortable and my mind was feeling pretty blank. I admit it sucked, but I got through it.

So what is our fear trying to tell us…or do for us?

Seth Godin does an amazing job of breaking this all down in his book Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? . ( I highly suggest reading it.) I am going to give you the condensed version here.

Originally, fears purpose was survival, but now it mostly keeps you from expanding into your highest potential.

Your fear response is one of the oldest parts of you. It comes from the part of your brain referred to as the “Lizard Brain”.  It’s original purpose was to help you survive. Its goal is to keep you small and hidden so that you blend in and don’t get eaten!  Your fear wants’ you to be part of the pack because you are more likely to survive.  It is just trying to keep you alive!

But the reality is that we don’t need to worry about getting eaten anymore.

Funny how the idea of standing out from the crowd and being really seen in our full unique glory can inspire fear in the best of us. (It’s the Lizard Brain just doing its job.)

The cool thing is that humans have evolved to the point where we can focus our attention on creativity and living a meaningful life. We have more ability to focus on our own expansion.

I suspect that if you are reading this, you are focused on YOUR own expansion.

So now that we know what fear is…….what do you do about it?

I have an awesome  3 step process for kicking fear’s ass that I will share with you next time……..

Categories : Clearing the Way
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If you could create  your kick-ass dream life, what would it look like ?

What would you spend your days doing?

Who would you hang out with?

Where would you live?

What would the weather be like?

How would you feel when you wake up in the morning?

How would you feel when you go to bed at night?

What is stopping you from living this dream right now?

What stands in your way?

I suspect that many of you think it is the money, other responsibilities (family/kids), where you live, or a number of other circumstances that stand in the way of you living your dream life. But I am here to tell you that you are wrong.

What is keeping you from living a life that totally rocks right now is your stories about who you are and what is possible for you. We all have them. They are commonly called limiting beliefs.

Limiting beliefs are deeply ingrained in our subconscious mind and determine what we even try to do with our lives. They keep us small and prevent us from going after our big dreams.

Your Limiting beliefs are behind that voice in your head that says:

” You can’t do that.”

“Who do you think you are?”

“What are you crazy?”

“This is just the way the world works”

These beliefs keep you small and tightly packed into that box that society wants you to live inside of.

The interesting thing is that most of these beliefs are not really true at all. They are just some story that you bought into somewhere along the way (just like everyone else). I suspect that if you begin to question them you will see how quickly they fall apart.

The reality is that each of us can be, do and have anything that our hearts desire. There is no limit to what is possible when you sent your mind to it. The trick is that you have to believe that it is possible before you can allow it to unfold for you.

I am curious about where in your life you are not allowing yourself to go for what you really want because you don’t think that you can have it?

Where are you allowing yourself to sit in a place that is feels sucky because you think that is “just the way it has to be” ?

If you are interested in doing something about these  limiting beliefs, you can sign up for a   free 3o minute Breakthrough Session. During this session I will help you to uncover exactly what is standing in the way and what you can do about it.

If  this sounds good, shoot me an email here and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

Categories : Clearing the Way, coaching
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