Archive for create

Over the past 6 weeks I have been intensely focused on the first part of creating a Kick-Ass Life, and that is identifying what YOUR version of Kick-Ass Life looks like. I find that all versions of a Kick-Ass Life have this in common-

A Kick-Ass Life gives you the freedom and flexibility to be your ‘freaky’ self while receiving all the abundance the Universe has to offer.

The specifics look different for everyone and it is important to take the time to identify what works and doesn’t work for you.

Creating the space to do that seems to be the tricky part because it’s outside of the normal skill set that we are taught growing up. We get really good at identifying what doesn’t work and what we don’t want in our lives, but we don’t take advantage of the opportunity to use the contrast that we are experiencing to get really clear around what we do want. If you learn to leverage this opportunity you will notice that you will quickly begin to experience new found clarity about what exactly will bring you the most meaning, success, and happiness.

What do you do once you have identified what YOUR version of Kick-Ass looks like? How do you build a life that reflects all of your preferences and is designed to fit you perfectly?

This is the tricky part! We aren’t taught how to create a life that is designed to fit us perfectly. We learn how to settle for whatever we are given, and to live up to other people’s expectations of us. We follow society’s rules and force ourselves to fit in and conform even though it feels crappy. But, we are not really taught how to discover what works for us and what feels good for us.  And, we’re certainly not taught how to shift our situation from one that sucks to one that feels really good.

So what do you do?

Here is one solution.

Play around with my 5 Steps for Creating Your Kick-Ass Life.  These steps are simple. Simple enough that anyone can do them.  You can apply them no matter where you are at in your life.  You don’t need anything that you don’t already have in order to make them work.

You definitely don’t need to save all your money or go get a new job or wait till the kids are out of the house.  These are all things that you can start doing right now.  This is also a very dynamic process that you can use over and over again as you grow and expand more into who you are. This process will grow with you.

Here are The 5 Steps to Creating Your Kick-Ass Life. I will share them briefly here and over the next few weeks I will expand on them in more detail.

Step 1: Claim it!

Set the intention to settle for nothing less than your Kick-ass Life.

Step 2:  Start looking for it!

Start identifying what would make your life Kick-Ass. Start creating a daily Kick-Ass List and write down everything that works and you want more of from your day.

Step 3: Amplify the energy of the things you want more of.

This goes directly hand in hand with step two.  Spend time basking in the juicy good feelings of everything you appreciate and want more of in your life.

Step 4: Notice the resistance and deal with it.

As you begin to change your life and go for more of what you want, you will be faced with a variety of challenges and obstacles. Your stories and pre-packaged beliefs around why you can’t do or have something will come up. Notice when this happens and learn the lesson you need to learn to deal with it. This is the toughest and most challenging step, but with a little bit of support you can do this.

Step 5: Set yourself up for success.

As you begin to get a clear picture around what you’re Kick-Ass Life looks like, start to create the support structures that sustain you in living it.

As I said before, this is a brief outline of my 5 Steps for Creating Your Kick-Ass Life.

Over the next few weeks I will expand on them and go into more details.

There will also be an opportunity for you to get a hands on experience of them coming up in the New Year.

Categories : coaching
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Why do people do this?

Posted by: Leah | Comments (11)

I am really curious to hear what you think about something.

So, last week I was having an awesome conversation with Pace Smith of the Freak Revolution about living your kick-ass dream life and being awesome, and we got off onto a tangent about this crazy statistic that says the vast majority of people need to have something really bad happen in order for them to do something about improving their lives.

This drives me crazy!!!

Why does the shit have to hit the fan before someone will take the time to focus on what would make their lives better?

It seems to me that it would be so much easier and life would get kick-ass really fast, if you spent your time fine tuning and focusing on the things that would make your life even cooler, rather than waiting until things are crappy and you have to do something to fix it.

But, that doesn’t seem to be the case for the majority of people.

I wonder why?

What are your thoughts about this?

Share your thoughts in the comments below.
BTW….you can listen into this conversation that Pace and I were having  by clicking here. We recorded it for you.

Categories : Clearing the Way
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Flying by the Seat of my Pants

Posted by: Leah | Comments (0)

Do you know the expression: ”Flying by the seat of your pants?”, well that is what we were doing this week on Defy the Box Radio.

I decided that I wanted to see what it was like to do the show free form and see what kinds of ideas came up in conversation between me and my co-host Beth.

In the back of my mind I imagine the show being more like Howard Stern and his side-kick Robin, bantering back and forth all the time. Listening to them was exciting because you never knew what was going to come out of their mouths. I want Defy the Box Radio to be like that; spontaneous and fun, and I like the wild card aspect of not knowing what we are going to come up with during the conversation.

I have to say that I feel the show was a wild success!

Beth and I had an amazing, organically unfolding conversation. The call was effortless and I had a blast doing it and the people who were listening live said the show rocked!


I think we’re to something here.

Give it a listen and let me know what you think in the comments below.

Listen to internet radio with Defy the Box on Blog Talk Radio

Where the Juicy Goodness Can Be Found

Posted by: Leah | Comments (1)

The surest way to bring more juicy goodness into your life is
by deepening your own relationship with YOU.

This is the most important connection that you can create.

Otherwise, how do you know what brings you happiness, meaning
and success?

This is trickier than it may sound for many people, especially the
freaky folks.

We live in a society where there are lots of expectations and
pre-packaged beliefs around how we are ‘supposed’ to live, and
who we are ‘supposed’ to be in this world.

When you do not fit into that mold,it is easy to feel like there
is something wrong with you, and you begin to feel unworthy,
undeserving, resentful, and a whole lot of other emotions that
feels yucky.

It is really easy to start making yourself wrong for being different.

The worst part is that you tend to settle for whatever comes your
way because you  think that you can’t have anything else.

You are so busy trying to be something that you are not,
there is no space to ask yourself

“What would feel good to me?”

“What works in MY life?”.

These questions are the key to bringing in more Juicy Goodness.

I know this sounds simple, and it is on one level,
but I also recognize that it can be very difficult to do.
So many people never learned how to ask themselves these
questions on a regular basis.

When we are young we set our
course for who think we are supposed to be in the world.
This course is not necessarily based on who we are, but rather
who we think we should be.

So we spend our time trying to force ourselves in to a life that
does not fit, rather than exploring and discovering who we really are,
and what feels good to us
. We end up in jobs that are dull,
and meaningless, in relationships that feel crappy,
and generally feeling unsatisfied.

In order to make ourselves feel better, we shop, eat,
have sex with the wrong people, read self help books,
and usually blame everyone else for our misery.

We spend our time looking outside ourselves for the solution,
when it is right there inside of us waiting to be discovered.

You are the only one who knows what is right for you.

The key is being committed to deepening your relationship with yourself.

How do you do that?

Make a commitment to knowing yourself better.
Get in the habit of asking yourself some of these key questions:

“What makes ME happy?

“What already works for me and feels good in my life?”

“What do I enjoy doing?”

“What do I want from _________________?”
( my career, relationship, health, sexuality, or any given situation)

“How do I want to feel when I _______________?”
(Am at work, in relationship, walk down the street, anything that you do)

“What would feel good to me right now?”

If you really want to get intimate with yourself, whenever something
or someone is bothering you and making you feel upset, irritated or
generally uncomfortable, ask yourself:

“What about this is making me feel uncomfortable?”.

Listen to the answers and go out and use that information to create a
life that is designed to suit your unique style.

Surround yourself with the people and things that support your happiness.

Nurture the relationship with yourself as if you were your favorite lover.

Give yourself everything you need to be happy and feel great.

You will be surprised at how easy it becomes once you get in the habit
of asking yourself what you need.

As an extra bonus you will discover
that all the people around you will benefit from your happiness.
Soon enough you will all be surrounded by all the Juicy Goodness
that life has to offer.

Does this sound doable to you?

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How was the eggnog? ( Or tequila depending on how you roll).

Are you back all refreshed and ready to move on to the next step?

Here we go……

Why do I want what I want?

The next step is to ask yourself what success looks like for you in the New Year
in all the areas of your life. What do you want to see happen and
why do you want it (What will you get out of it?)
For example:
(What) I want to double my income. (Why) I will feel a great sense of
freedom as I pay extra on my mortgage and quickly build more equity in my home.

(What)I want exercise to be a regular and fun part of my life. (Why) I want
to feel flexible and energetic and able to do all the physical activity that
I desire as I get older.

Doing this process connects you with the end result that you are looking for,
and that is what it is really all about. We do everything that we do because we
are looking for a specific outcome. This can be a conscious or unconscious process.
The more conscious you make it; the more likely you are to get what you want.
The clearer you are on what the end result you are looking for it, the easier
it will be to bring it into your life.

For example, let’s say that you want more money.
Why do you want more money?

“So I can easily pay my bills.”

Well, if easily paying you bills is the desired outcome there are many ways to go
about it…some might not even involve making more money.Maybe you can reduce your
bills, or go to a cheaper bar where drinks are not $12 a pop, or find a
sugar daddy…or mama…depending on your preference. So, my point is that if what
you really want is to easily pay all your bills then focus your attention on that.
Making more money is just one solution to that problem.

Create your Vision

The final step is to take all your new found clarity and write down your
vision for what you want to experience in the upcoming year. Let me stress that
you do not need to know HOW you are going to get any of these things and
trying to figure it out is the fastest way to get bogged down and lose focus.
Give yourself permission to get a little crazy with this and DREAM BIG!

Imagine that you can actually have, be and do anything that you desire.
There is nothing standing in your way.

Now go for it!

While you are writing this big dream out, do your best to incorporate all
five senses into the description. Feel how awesome it will be to have all
that you desire.
Let the juicy goodness wash over you.

How does it feel?

OK..Now what do I do with my vision?

Keep your vision close to you and refer to it often. This is your map
for the coming year. Keep it accessible and look at it often.
If you are feeling crafty, you can take this a step farther and make a
dream map or vision board out of this.
Look at your vision statement / dream map often and allow yourself to
feel how great it is to have all these things in your life.
Keep your eyes peeled for opportunities that will bring these things to you.
Focus on what is showing up and how you are getting closer every day.
When you feel like you are losing focus,look at your map and reconnect with it.
Feel free to change it, and adjust to it as you move through the year.
I know that I can easily get distracted and scattered by a million shiny
things that I come across every day. Staying connected to my vision keeps
my focused and on track. It also helps me determine if that shiny sparkly
thing is worth my time and effort.

Oh Yhea….I forgot the most important step.

Once you finish with the creation process,take some time and CELEBRATE how awesome you are.

You totally ROCK!

I wish you many blessings and lots of juicy goodness in the New Year.

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