Archive for freak
Why do people do this?
Posted by: | CommentsI am really curious to hear what you think about something.
So, last week I was having an awesome conversation with Pace Smith of the Freak Revolution about living your kick-ass dream life and being awesome, and we got off onto a tangent about this crazy statistic that says the vast majority of people need to have something really bad happen in order for them to do something about improving their lives.
This drives me crazy!!!
Why does the shit have to hit the fan before someone will take the time to focus on what would make their lives better?
It seems to me that it would be so much easier and life would get kick-ass really fast, if you spent your time fine tuning and focusing on the things that would make your life even cooler, rather than waiting until things are crappy and you have to do something to fix it.
But, that doesn’t seem to be the case for the majority of people.
I wonder why?
What are your thoughts about this?
Share your thoughts in the comments below.
BTW….you can listen into this conversation that Pace and I were having by clicking here. We recorded it for you.
Embracing Your Freakiness and Making Money Too
Posted by: | CommentsHere is an awesome guest post from one of the co-founder’s of the Freak Revolution.They are experts at embracing what makes them different, creating connections, and living a life that totally rocks!
I hope that you enjoy it.
I’m Kyeli, and I am a freak.
I’m gay, I’m a witch, I’m polyamorous, I’m fat, I’m covered in
tattoos, I’m a geek, I unschool my son, I have piercings, I’m a
writer, and I’m an entrepreneur. Oh! And I’m leading a revolution.
I’ve been persecuted for each flavor and for all flavors of my
freakitude. I’ve lost friends and family. I spent over a decade
hiding in the closet, trying desperately to appear normal, to be
something I’m not – to be many things I’m not. But in the end, the
lying and the self-deception proved too much for me, and I burst out
of all those closets and ran wild.
Figuratively. I’m not much of a literal runner.
Bursting out of all those closets was actually a very slow, gradual
process. I had to do a lot of self-work and discovery before I could
even crack the door, let alone start being open and loud about it.
But slowly, gradually, I got more and more secure in myself which
allowed me to get more and more secure in being out.
Now I’m out all over the place. My labels are all loudly proclaimed
in all my online profiles. I quit my desk job that was eating my soul
and started my own business with my lovely wife and cohort, Pace.
(She’s even more freaky than me!)
How do we make any money, being so freaky?
We’re open. We’re honest. We reach out to people and make
connections. We make time for people. We talk about our lives and
our journeys. And we focus on other freaky people.
If you’re freaky – even if you’re just a little freaky – you don’t
want someone who won’t understand you helping you. We can’t connect
with people we have nothing in common with, no matter our intentions.
So we open ourselves up and reach out to others like us, in some way
or another, so we can connect and help and make a living doing what we
But I think the biggest secret is the most simple thing: we really care.
We really care about people.
We really care about helping.
We really care about connection, about self-growth, about making the
world a better and more loving place.
When you pour your heart into your work, people notice. When you fly
your freak flag, your right people will turn up – and your wrong
people will turn away. Stepping fully into yourself is the surest way
to success, no matter your path.
Kyeli is the co-leader of the Freak Revolution (alongside her
wife, Pace), a community of passionate world-changers with alternative
lifestyles and more importantly, alternative mindsets. The two of them
are passionate about changing the world in ways that foster connection
over control, authenticity over conformity, and love over fear. They
have just released 52 Weeks to Awesome, a 52-week long course with one easy-to-implement mission
per week to help you be even more awesome!
Is There One Right Way to Live?
Posted by: | CommentsAn extremely common pre-packaged belief is that there is a right way and a wrong way to live. It‘s thought that all people should discover this and agree upon it, and then that right way of living should be enforced.
What the F@#*%?
This idea is crazy for a number of reasons. The biggest being that we are all different, and what makes you happy and is the right way for you to live, might feel completely wrong to me.
But we do continue to force our ideas onto each other. This happens on so many different levels.
Religion is the first to come to mind.
Different countries have different ideas about the best way to run things.
You can see this same thing happening in the different states as they work through ideas about gay marriage and the legalization of marijuana.
Growing up, children are impacted by their parent’s ideas about how to raise them and how they should live. How they should dress, and speak and behave. Factor in the school system and your culture and there are lots of rules and expectations around what RIGHT LIVING looks like.
This is the main reason why there are so many people who feel like freaks and outsiders in this world. They are living their lives according to someone else’s ideas about what right living looks like. When you try to cram yourself into something that is not designed with you in mind, it feels yucky.
Is there one right way to live?
There are as many ways to live as there are people. It would benefit us all to embrace that idea and live it.
I want you to think about this for a minute.
What does your ‘right way’ to live look like ?
The Freak Factor
Posted by: | CommentsI am still thinking about this week’s Defy the Box Radio Show. I had a great conversation with Dave Rendall about his manifesto called:
The Freak Factor : Discovering Uniqueness by Flaunting Weakness. ( Download it and read it!)
When I first read this I was very impressed. It resonated with the core message behind Defy the Box.
Let your Freak Flag Fly in order to enjoy great meaning and success.
I can’t stress this point enough…… It’s OK to be different, and there is nothing wrong with you.
It’s time to stop making yourself wrong and trying to stuff yourself into the “Box” that society is trying to cram you into. It is a waste of your time and energy, and it just doesn’t feel very good. You would be better served by embracing these “problems” that other folks think you have and finding an environment that supports them.
I can’t stress how important it is to create the right environment and find the right people to surround you. You are not necessarily born into it. Sometimes you need to go out and create it. I think that accepting yourself helps a lot with this. The way you feel about yourself and what makes you different directly affects who and what you attract in to your experience.
For example, when I had Kali from the Kink Academy on DTB radio, we talked about authentic sexuality and the importance of accepting and feeling good about your desires. If you feel that your kinky desires are bad, then you tend to attract a person into your experience who feels that you are bad for wanting those things…..which in turn feeds your feelings of being bad. When you embrace your desires and feel good about them, you will attract people in to your experience who are down with them too, and you can enjoy some fun and feel good about it.
Is there anything about you that you are tired of trying to fix?
What would happen if you embraced it ?
You can listen you the Freak Factor episode here:
Your Inner-Freak Is Your Super Power
Posted by: | CommentsI have been noodling this idea for a while now.
A Super Power is the thing that sets you apart from everyone else.
It is something that is unique to you.
It makes you stand out and gives you the ability to do something that no one else can.
You can also use your Super power to benefit yourself and humanity.
I like the sound of that.
Your Inner-Freak is all these things too.
It is that part of you that you consider to be different from other folks.
It sets you apart.
It makes you unique.
It also knows what you like and what feels good.
Your inner-freak is your super power. Fully embracing it and owning it allows you to share your super powers with the world. If you ignore it, and make it wrong for being too ‘freaky’, you deny everyone, including yourself, the opportunity to benefit from it.
I am curious to hear what you think about this wild idea in the comments below.