Archive for ideal life


Is It Really Worth It?????

Posted by: Leah | Comments (1)

The topic of struggle and pushing through has been coming up again and again recently. This is what some of you are saying:

“I know…they say that mercury is retrograde….but come on! Does it really have to be this difficult?”

“I am on the verge of giving up my dream because I am so sick of wasting my vital life energy when I keep coming up against road block after road block. Is following my dream really worth it?”

Listen closely to this:


It is so worth it to go after your kick-ass dream life!

Your dreams and desires are leading you to your own unique higher purpose. They feel good to think about for a reason! They are in alignment with who you really are and what will bring you the most happiness, satisfaction, and meaning into your life. Your dreams are where the juicy goodness lives.

I am not going to sit here and tell you that going for your dream is easy, because it is not. There is definitely some work involved on your part, but it does not have to be a struggle or suck all your vital life energy.

This is the thing you need to realize: These blocks and obstacles are lessons that you need to learn in order to clear away all the old “baggage” that is not in alignment with your new kick-ass life. They are an indication that it is time to step back and look within, decide what would be better, or to try a new approach. You are going to make mistakes! Maybe even big mistakes!  It is not the end of the world. The better you get at tuning in and noticing how something is feeling and working for you, the sooner you can adjust your course. Then get right back to it and try something new until you discover what works for you!

If you find yourself struggling or feeling your energy drained, it is most likely because you are resisting the lesson, or trying to force your way through the obstacle. I know that this can be confusing, and frustrating!  It is all about looking inside and taking ownership of your experience and treating every challenge as an opportunity for growth.

I know that from personal experience this can be difficult to do on your own. I want you to know that I am here to help you with this if you will let me.  Signing up for this free webcast that is a great place to start!

Categories : Clearing the Way, coaching
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Winners and Losers

Posted by: Leah | Comments (2)

More and more I am seeing stuff in the media calling Obama  a socialist and challenging his plan for redistributing the wealth in this country. People have such strong opinions about this!  The rich say they do not deserve higher taxes because they are successful and the poor say the rich deserve to pay more because they make more and can afford it. Both sides are being played off of one another.

In my opinion, there are some “pre-packaged’ beliefs at play here. The predominate one being that there has to be a winner and a loser and it is impossible for everyone to get what they need. This is a foundational belief in our country and I do not think it is serving us very well. It feeds into the lack mentality that many people suffer from, creates enormous amounts of fear and drives the choices that people are making every day.

I think it is clear that they way we have been doing things is not working and it is time for some drastic change. Lets face it people: we need each other to survive. Lets throw away the belief that there has to be winners and losers and start imagining what it would be like if everyone had everything they needed. Imagine a Win-Win situation for everything. It’s possible because happiness looks different for everyone! I am sure that each of us has a different vision of an ideal life.

I challenge you to release the stories you have bought into about how the world works and what your life is supposed to look like and connect to what is really important and meaningful in your life. I have no doubt that as you get more connected to your dream of an ideal life, you will be better able to allow others to have their dream too, and you will be more willing to help each other achieve those dreams.

Categories : Stretching Yourself
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