Archive for kick ass life


Say Yes to more You-ness!

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Do you ever find yourself re-evaluating everything that you’re doing?

I sure do!

Life is all about growth and expansion and CHANGE is a big part of it. It’s important that you check in every now and then to make any adjustments that you need so you can stay in perfect alignment with your ever expanding self.

Recently I checked in to see if the name Defy the Box was still in alignment with what I’m all about.  I’ve shifted a bit from being a rabble rouser and preaching about how society keeps us trapped in pre-packaged lives; and expanded into being someone who helps you amplify your shine factor by flying your freak flag high and proud.

I’m still talking about all the same things; I’m just applying them in a more expansive way.

I realize more than ever - you need to let go of who you think you’re supposed to be and embrace who you are.


When you do this you become super shiny and life feels kick-ass.

This is especially important when you are an entrepreneur. You’re selling yourself more than anything.

If you want to rock your business out – you’d better feel good about yourself; be really clear about what your super powers are; and what you stand for.

More YOU-ness all the time- show the people what you’ve got!  (I’m not talking about flashing here either!)

But in order to do this…… order to fully love and accept who we are……. we need to let go of all the preconceived notions of who we THINK we are.

Reject the boxes, roles, expectations, and beliefs that you are trying to fit into.

Question everything to see if it is true.

Give yourself permission to be unique; brilliant; flawed.


This takes courage! You’ll meet all kinds of resistance to you being YOU. People will call you crazy, and say that’s not the way you’re supposed to do things. They will try and make you wrong. Hell, you’ll make yourself wrong.

Do it anyway.

It’s so worth it when you hit the sweet spot of being in alignment and the world is opening up before you. You become a sparkly, shiny beacon of light that attracts all kinds of amazing opportunities- freedom, fun, people, jobs, money, and connection.

Life is Totally KICK-ASS!

Defy the Box and say “yes” to you!

Are you in?

What are some boxes that you are ready to defy?




Categories : Clearing the Way
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Another Friday is here and I’m eager to spend some time with you basking in the juicy goodness and amplifying the energy of what we want more of!

This week has been great for basking. I’ve been engaging in a bunch of really cool conversations with other non-conforming entrepreneurs about the benefits and challenges of flying your freak flag in your biz. It’s been fun to stir up this energy under the Aries Full Moon!

We all agree- flying your freak flag and really showing up in your biz ROCKS for a bunch of different reasons. If feels good to be authentic! It’s deeply rewarding to be able to put your own special twist on the work that you do. You’re unique and stand out which equals more money in your pocket! People remember you, which makes it really easy for the people that you want to work with to find you. You get to spend your time doing what you love to do and get paid to do it!!! What’s better than that???

But there are some challenges to flying your freak flag in your biz too. It can feel really scary to do it! It takes courage to break-free of the pre-packaged way that people have been doing business. It feels risky to put yourself out there and be unique. You have to trust that your right people will find you. You have to get over the fear of offending people. When you do things differently and stand out some folks won’t like it-  I say “fuck’em!”  Those aren’t your people and they were never going to buy from you anyway.

We all agree that it is worth it! It seems like the mainstream marketing people are beginning to come on over to the freak flay flying side now too. I’ve been seeing all kinds of people talking about personal branding, and how you need to identify what you uniquely have to offer so you stand out from all the rest. That’s the same thing that I’ve been talking about for years!

Time for some Amplifying!

In this moment I’m appreciating all my freaky biz friends and clients who have been engaging in this ongoing flying your freak flag conversation with me. I’ve gained so much clarity around what my next program is going to look like.

I appreciate the energy of this full moon and all the lessons it brought me. The full moon ritual that I went to was very powerful and helped me anchor back into my commitment to my path. The wisdom and guidance I found there was very powerful and it helped reignite my fire.

I love that my biz is the perfect reflection of who I am. It makes things so much more enjoyable. I get to talk about my favorite subjects with other non-conforming souls and help them make their lives kick-ass!

I want more fun connections with authentic, cool people who can’t help but be themselves.

Beautiful days and fun adventures with friends! Warm, ripe apples eaten right off the trees, hayrides, and delicious, hole-in-the-wall, Chinese buffets!

Electricity, coffee, kitties, and homemade multigrain apple muffins!

Sons of Anarchy and True Blood!!!

What are you appreciating??

Email Series

Categories : Amplification Friday
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The First Rule for Defying the Box

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When was the last time you sat down and really thought about what you wanted in your life?

I’m not talking about those easy stock answers like – more money.  We all want more money right about now. The real question is- how much more and what would you do with it?

How would your life be different if you had more money? Get specific.

If I consistently made $10,000 a month in my biz, I would go visit my friend Danielle in San Diego whenever I felt like it. I would eat out at the fancy restaurants that I like and drink expensive wine at least twice a month. I would spend a month in Tuscany hanging out in the country side making pottery and riding a bike through vineyards and little villages.  I would rent a space in a studio with other potters and hang out there making beautiful bowls and platters that I would then give as gifts and sell at craft fairs. I would triple the hours that my VA worked for me and hand off more of the work that I don’t love doing to her. I would also quickly pay off my second mortgage because I can! That would be totally kick-ass!

Thinking about these things feels really juicy and fun! I know that when I spend time focusing my thoughts and energy in this way every day, things get kick-ass very fast. I get new ideas, and opportunities just show up.

A Kick-Ass Life doesn’t just happen. It requires you to identify what you want and focus your attention on what it will be like to have it. I think this is especially true for all of you non-conforming entrepreneurs who are working to create an out of the box biz. You don’t want the status quo, so it’s up to you to keep your focus on how you want it to be rather than what is right in front of you. You need to continuously make it up as you go along.

Sometimes this means totally ignoring the current reality that you see before you!

Right now it’s really easy to get caught up in the reality that the economy has tanked and everyone is struggling to just get by. I know that I got caught up in that reality for a while. I was focusing my attention on it, and I lowered my expectations.  The more I paid attention to the media and listened to people worry and complain; the worse things got for me. I expected that I would struggle and I did.

Buying into this reality also caused me to limit my ability to see other possibilities for thriving and I wasn’t really looking for new ways of doing things that would lead me there. I stopped focusing on what I wanted in my Kick-Ass Life and started settling for what everyone else was having. What everyone else is having sucks! I’m glad that I’ve snapped out of it!

It all comes down to this-You get what you expect- every time. I expected to struggle in my biz because everyone else was.

I had broken the first rule for Defying the Box- focus on what you want rather than what everyone else is doing!

I shifted my focus and things are changing!  I’ve been inspired to create a few new low cost options, and I’m putting together a mastermind to support other entrepreneurs who want to defy the box and break free from their pre-packaged biz. It’s all about flying your freak flag and becoming super shiny so the people who want what you have to offer can see you.

Let me know if you want in on this.

In the mean time, spend some time focusing on what you really want in your life and your biz. Get down to the juicy bits and pieces of how it will impact your life. If your current reality is not in alignment with what you want, ignore it! Defy the Box by focusing on what you want instead of what you’re supposed to do.

Kick-Ass Consultation

Categories : The Dream
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From Demoralized to Kick-Ass!

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I want to share my story of transformation with you, so you know its possible.  It will also explain why I’m so confidant that I can help you do the same.

About 10 years ago I was just like you; feeling trapped and demoralized in a job-and a life-that was sucking me dry.

I was working at a high-end restaurant. I worked hard and I played hard. I was making CRAZY money and all my ducks were in a row.

But my soul was in a serious jam.

I didn’t really like what I was doing, even though I was great at it.

And the people I was spending most of my time with — my work colleagues — weren’t too inspiring either. They didn’t get me, and it was exhausting trying to fit in.

Eventually, I just stopped trying.

The worst part was that I felt trapped in this situation . I had bills to pay, I needed the money, and everyone told me that I would be crazy to leave such a high paying job.

So, I sucked it up and began to believe that this was just the way it had to be .

I was frustrated and uninspired. As a result I was pretty bitchy most of the time.

I found myself desperate for more fun and meaning in my life.

I spent a lot of time looking for something to make me feel better. I went out for drinks most nights and partied a lot. When I was home alone, I always had the TV or the computer on, sometimes both at the same time. I was trying to tune out that part of me that was crying out for something different.

Deep down inside I knew that my life could be different, that this couldn’t be ‘it’, but I was not sure exactly what ‘it’ was that I was looking for.

Strangely enough, I would catch a glimpse of it every now and then. I would come across a stranger who seemed “shiny” to me and they would have a special sparkle in their eyes. I could tell that their life did not suck.

All I knew was that I wanted some of what they had.

I had to break free of the frustrating, meaningless life I was living.

I wanted to like my job.

I wanted to enjoy my life and be inspired by it.

I wanted to stop hiding who I really was.

I felt like there was so much more in me, but I had NO IDEA how to access that.

I got to the point where it was no longer ‘OK’ to remain at a job that I hated and to be so unsatisfied by my life.I was fed up with feeling demoralized and my employer telling me I was lucky to have a job.

I started looking for a way out but didn’t feel like I had many options. I could use my Social Psych degree but how would I survive on entry level pay? I couldn’t bare the thought of another restaurant job! It would just be more of the same bullshit! I felt trapped!

I reached the point where I was about to snap!

I was getting sick a lot and feeling depressed. One day I  loudly declared  “I just need a break!” and that is exactly what I got. Later that day I was walking to my car, carrying some groceries, and I stumbled off the curb and had a big dramatic fall into the street, groceries flying everywhere. I broke my foot and severely sprained my ankle and was out of work for 6 weeks.

This accident made something clicked inside me and I knew something had to change. I couldn’t keep living like this.While I was on the mend I had lots of time on my hands to think about what my life had become. I read the book the Four Agreements and something shifted.

I realized that I could change things. I wasn’t a victim. I didn’t have to settle for a sucky life! I had no idea how it was all going to work out, but I trusted that it would.

I embarked on the journey of re-discovering who I had become and who I wanted to be. I took a new job doing behavior modification with autistic kids and learned all about identifying cause and effect. It felt awesome to leave my old unsatisfying job behind!

The new job wasn’t the perfect fit for me but it got me headed in the right direction. Then I saw Dr. Phil on Oprah and new that I wanted to do what he did! I loved the way he helped people take responsibility for their lives and take effective actions to change the things that didn’t work for them. I did some research and discovered life coaching, but I wasn’t sure I could really make it happen.

I decided I needed to shake up my perspective so I set out to explore and experiment and try some things on for size. I did a lot of things I had never done before and went on some wild adventures. Then when I was at Burning Man something clicked and I decided to pursue what I was really interested in-Life Coaching! When I returned I signed up for a 2 year program at Coach U.

I also participated in the Priestess Path Apprenticeship and embraced my spiritual self. Between the Priestess Path and coaching school I cracked my head open and looked deep inside.

Those two years were all about self discovery and releasing that which didn’t serve me. I came out the other side a different person. I was centered, grounded and clear and nothing could stop me from creating the Kick-Ass Life that I wanted to live.

My life transformation took years of earnest work and personal determination, but I can happily say that it was worth it.

My life fits me perfectly now. I live in a beautiful condo in Boston, Massachusetts. I’m surrounded by mermaids, play with my kitties, get to talk to clients from my mermaid corner, hang out with my amazing and talented friends, enjoy my sexy boyfriend, and find new and interesting things to expand my mind and heart each week. I am deeply satisfied in all aspects of my life.

I’m a coach who loves her work, helping non-conforming souls, like you, identify the pre-packaged beliefs that stand in the way of your living your Kick-Ass Dream Life.

I can help you break free from your pre-packaged life to create the kick-ass life of your dreams.

I’ve been there and I know what it takes to go from feeling trapped and demoralized to Kick-Ass!

I know that the Kick-Ass Discovery Group is just what you need to make your move.

Let me help you transform your life!



Categories : Clearing the Way
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Your Kick-Ass Life

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What do you fear more- being just like everyone else, or being different than everyone else?

If you’re afraid of being different than everyone else you might as well stop reading right here, and be content with living a dull, stagnate normal life just like everyone else.

If you’re down with the idea of flying your freak flag and living a Kick-Ass Life, then we have something to talk about.

Living a Kick-Ass life is all about unfurling your freak flag and hanging it out for the world to see. You own who you are; do all the things that interest you and fill you up with juicy goodness; and you stop doing the stuff that you don’t give a shit about.

You live your life your way and it feels totally kick-ass!

I know that this can be freaking HARD! Even when you’re a card carrying freak and totally committed to living life your way, it can be difficult to figure out what your way looks like. I have struggled with this, and I see you struggling with it too.

Flying your freak flag and going your own way feels risky. When it comes right down to it, you want to be accepted and successful. You’re afraid that if you let it all hang out and do what you really want, you’ll end up a broke-ass, laughing stock with no future.

So you hesitate, and hang out feeling uncertain and confused in a life that you know could be so much more. You spend lots of time thinking about changing your life and seconded guessing your ideas, and longing for things to be different.

Are you sick of this yet?

If you’re ready to break free and seriously do something towards discovering your Kick-Ass Life I invite you to join me for the The Kick-Ass Discovery Group

Click here to learn more!

Categories : Fly your freak flag
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