Archive for life coach
The Truth About Naysayers
Posted by: | Comments“I want to work for myself so I can travel and do my own thing!”
“Are you serious? What about health insurance?”
“I can’t stand this freaking job; it’s sucking me dry! I want to quit and work for myself!”
“Are you crazy? In this economy you’re lucky to have a job!”
Sound familiar?
Want to know why the people around you turn into naysayers every time you come up with a brilliant idea for breaking free of your pre-packaged life?
I assure you it’s not because you’re ideas are crazy and you shouldn’t do it.
The problem is that you’re talking to the wrong people!
Remember- you’re one of those rare individuals who are driven be the desire for freedom!
The naysayers are driven by a desire for security. They mean well and their comments are coming from a place of love and concern, BUT your ideas are always going to sound crazy and risky to them. They can’t help it; it’s just how they’re wired.
Just like YOU can’t help wanting to break free and have the freedom to do what you want to do.
It’s all good. No one is wrong in this scenario, BUT what do you do about it?
Find other freedom seekers to co-conspire and share your dreams of freedom with.
If you are really serious about making those dreams a reality; bring in the big guns and hire a life coach.
What would change for you if you got a big “Hell Yhea” when you shared your dreams?
What would be possible if you got the support you needed to bring your dreams to life?
I’m picturing lots of Kick-Ass-Ness!
I’m here to help you create the freedom that you seek. I’ve created lots of juicy freedom in my life and helped hundreds of other people do the same.
If you’re ready to rock, let’s talk! Email me here to start the conversation.
The Driving Force (Video)
Posted by: | CommentsI’ve been having a blast being part of Video Rock Star University!
I’ve discovered that I love making videos. It feels all up close and personal, and it’s a great way to share juicy tidbits with you.
Check out this video and take a minute to think about what YOU stand for in your business and what you need to give yourself permission to do, then share your thoughts in the comments below.
Taking a Stand
You can have your very own Unfurl Your Freak Flag Experience if you like!
What Do You Stand For?
Posted by: | CommentsHere’s part three of my series describing the three key components to flying your freak flag so you can AMP UP your shine factor and make more money.
In my last post I talked about owning who you are and what differentiates you from all the rest.
Taking a stand for what you believe in
Why do you do what you do?
I know there is a very specific reason why you decided to open up your business.
On the surface it might have been because you don’t want to work for someone else, or it was to make money, but I know that there’s more to it than that.
Connecting to the reason WHY you do what you do, knowing what you believe in, and setting up your business to reflect that is the way to attract loyal fans who give you money.
It all comes down to this:
People buy what they believe in.
They hire you & become loyal fans because they resonate with what you stand for, and the revolution/transformation that you are offering.
The services you offer are the vehicle that transports people to your revolution
When you combine your revolution with your super powers; you become the obvious choice for your people.
If you don’t know WHY you do what you do, how can you compel someone to hire or be loyal to you?
Taking a Stand
What do you stand for?
How do you feel about taking a stand for what you believe in?
Does it sound scary to you?
Are you afraid that if you express a strong opinion you will lose clients and people will unsubscribe from your list?
You know what? They will! People will unsubscribe and not work with you, but that is OK. They were not your right people to begin with.
Look at it this way, you want people to rally up under your freak flag. In order to do that you need be bold and courageous and have an opinion. Give them something to say ” Hell Yhea!” to!
Be a revolutionary and wave your flag high and proud! That’s the way to rally up your fans. Give them something to rally around.
What if you offend someone?
Who cares!!!!! Stop worrying about offending people! It limits your self expression.
I’m not suggesting that you intentionally say offensive things.
No matter how careful you are-not everyone is going to like you no matter what you do. You’re better off being yourself and saying what you want to say. Give people something to talk about! There is nothing worse than being forgettable.
People hire you because they have a strong opinion about you and resonate with what you’re offering.
The people who say “Hell Yeah” are your right people, and they are the ones who will give you money. The ones who don’t like what you have to say or the way you show up, were never going to buy anything from you to begin with. Got it?
Spend some time identifying what you believe in and stand for in your life and your business. It doesn’t matter if it’s freaky or obscure. If you feel strongly about it and are compelled to take action around this, I guarantee that there are people out there who are waiting for you to raise your flag so they can rally around it.
Helpful questions for identifying what you stand for
What’s your point of view about how the world works?
What drives you crazy?
What do you see as missing?
What pisses you off?
Where do you constantly want to take action to change things?
In most cases, this is what got you into the business that you are in. It’s the WHY and the driving force behind what you do
Share what you stand for in the comments below!
This is the Rocket Fuel
Posted by: | CommentsYou want more from your life – More passion, more connection, more money….so what do you do about it?
Do you sit there hoping that someone/something will come along and make your dream come true?
Do you sit there saying your affirmations and intentions over and over again and waiting for the LOA to do it’s thing?
If either one is your strategy- Good Luck!
I’m of the same mindset as Danielle Laporte when it comes to using hope as your strategy.
It’s too passive.
Saying your affirmations and intentions over and over again is a little bit better –at least your doing something- but the energy behind it tends to be coming from a place of lack. What you want hasn’t shown up yet and you’re noticing that so you keep asking for it over and over again.
Since the Law of Attraction is responding to your energy… doesn’t matter what your saying…if you feel the lack and that is what is driving your actions- the lack is what you’ll get more of.
This is what works- appreciate everything you already have. Actively notice and feel good about the areas of your life that you want to change.
If you want more passion in your life- think about all the things in your life that you already feel passionate about and spend time appreciating them.
You want more connection- think about all your relationships and all the places where you already feel connected and appreciate them.
Here’s the big one…..You want more money- appreciate the money that you already have. Feel good about being able to pay bills and buy coffee. Be excited about any money that comes in.
Appreciation is the rocket fuel that will take your life to the next level.
Seriously! Why would the Universe …or anyone for that matter….give you more of anything if you don’t appreciate what you already have???
And that is why we do Amplification Friday around here! To give you and me a chance to focus on what we appreciate from our week so we can get more of the juicy goodness that rocks our world!
Here is what I’m appreciating this week-
I appreciate the late blooming roses outside my window. They are so beautiful!!
All the birthday love that came my way! I was pampered and spoiled and showered with lovely gifts. My sweetie treated me like a queen – actually, he always does He gave me a beautiful new mermaid locket, which I can’t wait to put some pictures into!!!
I appreciate the ease with which the words are flowing from my fingers. The more I commit to speaking from my own voice the easier it becomes.
I appreciate the opportunity to rock the mic at Zestfest this weekend! I get to talk about one of my favorite subjects- flying your freak flag- with a group of amazing women. It totally rocks!
What are you appreciating??
Ten Tips for Living a Kick-Ass Life
Posted by: | Comments1. Commit to looking for the things that make you happy. Start making a daily kick-ass list. Write down everything that’s kick-ass and that you want more of.
2. Make your relationship with yourself and feeling good the most important thing. Take full responsibility for your own happiness and outcomes.
3. Spend time everyday focusing on what you want in your life. Picture yourself having it without worrying about how it’s going to get there. If you want more money- claim it! Don’t worry about HOW it’s going to show up, just picture yourself having it in your bank account…or under your mattress…. and imagine all the fun stuff you’ll do with it.
2. Create space to sit quietly and connect to your inner-freak every day. Listen to what it tells you. It knows the way to all that is juicy and fun.
3. Shake things up a bit on a regular basis to put yourself outside of your regular perspective. This will keep you from getting stuck in a rut. (I decided to go for my dream of being a Life Coach when I was at Burning Man.)
4. Tap into your curiosity and sense of wonder. Ask questions, dig deep, and let yourself be surprised.
5. Play more! Have fun! This will help you tap into the energy of your kick-ass life and attract more of it to you.
6. Explore all the things that interest you and try it on for size. Conduct your very own Life Experiments.
7. Don’t be a pussy!! Be bold and daring….take risks make up your own rules and do your own thing.
8. Stop worrying about offending people!! Not everyone is going to like you no matter what! What is most important is that YOU like you. Be true to yourself.
9. Give yourself permission to do all the things that you think you CAN’T or SHOULDN’T do, but you really-really want to. Have no regrets!
10. Surround yourself with other kick-ass people who are doing cool things with their lives. Ditch the negative nancys, complainers, whiners, and the dream smashers.
Whats your favorite?