Archive for obstacle
There’s No Turning Back Now
Posted by: | CommentsI’m done pushing!
Done trying to convince people that society limits our ability to be who we are.
Done being a rabble rouser.
Well, maybe that’s taking it a bit too far.
I’ll still stir things up but I’ll do from a different angle. I’ll do it by dangling the promise of a life full of juicy goodness if you open up and expand into more YOU-NESS!!!
That approach feels so much more expansive, and that is what I’m going for.
A few months ago I realized that Defy the Box felt like it was pushing against something. The whole nature of defying the box felt like you had to struggle and fight in order to be yourself. (You’ll see some changes happening in the upcoming months to remedy this).
When I created Defy the Box I certainly felt that way. I was sick and tired of feeling like I had to conform in order to be successful.
The success that I had created so wasn’t worth it!! I felt like I had to hide big parts of who I was and it made me frustrated and angry most of the time. I also consumed a lot of everything in order to feel better.
After practicing what I preach for so many years, I KNOW that I don’t have to fight to be myself and be fully self-expressed. There is no one holding me back but me.
As I’ve learned to recognize the stories that hold me back and tell me that I’m supposed to be different, I can easily break free of them. Those stories are no longer an obstacle.
The more I fly my freak flag and own who I am, the more luscious my life gets.
There is no pushing or fighting going on. Now it is all about making the choice to release what doesn’t serve me and creating the space for expansion.
Now that I’ve unleashed myself there is no going back!
What about you? Are you pushing against something in your life?
Do you blame anyone, or anything for keeping you from living the life you want to live?
What would happen if you stopped pushing and made the choice to create the space for your expansion?
If you’re ready to stop pushing and start expanding into the juiciest version of your life- sign up for Unleash Yourself! In 30 days you can take your life from ordinary to extraordinary!
This is Your Biggest Obstacle to Creating a Kick-Ass Life
Posted by: | CommentsOne of the biggest obstacles that I see for non-conforming souls is a belief that they hold deep down inside of themselves. It sabotages all their efforts and is what makes them give up once the going gets tough.
Can you guess what this belief is?
It’s the belief that they can’t pull it off. Somewhere along the line they were taught that they can’t really have what they want, and they don’t trust that they can create it.
Do you ever feel that way?
Maybe you don’t think that you deserve to live a Kick-Ass Life or you feel like you are wrong for wanting it?
Perhaps it just seems too overwhelming, and you’re afraid that you’ll lose everything if you go for it?
I’m not surprised that you think these things. These are the things we are told over and over again as we grow up.
Growing up, I bet you were often made wrong for marching to the beat of your own drummer. Your ideas were constantly shot down and you were told that you can’t do what you want. It became easier to fit in and conform to your families and societies expectations, than deal with all the conflict that going your own way led too.
It’s not surprising that you harbor this belief that you can’t have what you want!!! For a good part of your life this is exactly what you experienced.
I guarantee that this is what’s keeping you stuck in your rut right now.
What would happen if you DID believe that you COULD have what you want in your life and you knew that you could pull it off?
I bet that you would not hesitate to go for it. There would be no question of time, money, or all the other excuses that people use for not creating a life that they WANT to live.
Instead of saying “I can’t do it”, you’d be saying “How can I do this!?” and “Who wants to help me?”.
I’ll let you in on a little secret- You can live the life you want to live and you can create it for yourself right now!
And I am going to help you if you’ll let me.
I offer a wonderful variety of coaching packages that are designed to help you successfully navigate the obstacles as you create the life that you want to live. You can learn more about them here.
Is Fear Holding You Back? Here’s a Solution!
Posted by: | CommentsI am proud to announce that The 3 Steps to Kicking Fears Ass is ready!
Woo-hoo! High Five!
This e-book is my solution for you if you are finding yourself tripped up by fear when you are going after your kick-as dream life.
I created this e-book because fear is hands down the biggest obstacle that I see for my clients. It is often disguised as something else like; self-doubt, worry, overwhelm, anxiety, or confusion. When you dig down into it you discover that it is really fear lurking about trying to protect you by keeping you small.
The question is: How do you move past it?
I lay out my three steps for doing this in the e-book.
Here is a preview:
1. Acknowledge your fear and call it out for what it is. Fear feels bad, so our tendency is to ignore it, call it something else, or blame something outside of ourselves for it. You don’t want to own it because it makes you feel vulnerable and you don’t want to deal with it. Trust me, ignoring it is not helping any. Acknowledge and own it, then you will be better positioned to deal with it. (Ok….I have to acknowledge that sometimes fear can be exciting and thrilling….but then it really isn’t a problem, is it?)
2. Explore your fear and shine the light of awareness on it. Know what you are dealing with. Go deep into it. In most cases, you fear only has power over you because it is unexamined. In many cases it is based on something that falls apart when you look closely at it. In other cases, it is something that goes much deeper than you originally thought. You need to identify exactly what you are afraid of to effectively move past it.
3. Replace the fear with thoughts about what you really want. Now that you know what you are dealing with and are feeling more empowered, it is important to shift your focus onto what you want so the fear gets muscled out of the way. You are the boss of your thoughts. Focus on how freakin’ awesome it is going to feel to be living the life that your fear is trying to keep you from. Amplify that energy every day. Next thing you know you will be living that life for real.
Now in the e-book there is plenty of discussion around fear and how to work each of these steps to move past it. There are questions that you can ask yourself to help get to the heart of the matter and I share the same tools with you that I offer my private clients. I have seen amazing results in my own life and with my clients with this process.
If The 3 Steps to Kicking Fear’s Ass is just what you have been waiting for, go snatch up your copy now. I have it listed at an introductory low price that will go up on September 25. Click here to get your copy now!