What Do You Stand For?
ByHere’s part three of my series describing the three key components to flying your freak flag so you can AMP UP your shine factor and make more money.
In my last post I talked about owning who you are and what differentiates you from all the rest.
Taking a stand for what you believe in
Why do you do what you do?
I know there is a very specific reason why you decided to open up your business.
On the surface it might have been because you don’t want to work for someone else, or it was to make money, but I know that there’s more to it than that.
Connecting to the reason WHY you do what you do, knowing what you believe in, and setting up your business to reflect that is the way to attract loyal fans who give you money.
It all comes down to this:
People buy what they believe in.
They hire you & become loyal fans because they resonate with what you stand for, and the revolution/transformation that you are offering.
The services you offer are the vehicle that transports people to your revolution
When you combine your revolution with your super powers; you become the obvious choice for your people.
If you don’t know WHY you do what you do, how can you compel someone to hire or be loyal to you?
Taking a Stand
What do you stand for?
How do you feel about taking a stand for what you believe in?
Does it sound scary to you?
Are you afraid that if you express a strong opinion you will lose clients and people will unsubscribe from your list?
You know what? They will! People will unsubscribe and not work with you, but that is OK. They were not your right people to begin with.
Look at it this way, you want people to rally up under your freak flag. In order to do that you need be bold and courageous and have an opinion. Give them something to say ” Hell Yhea!” to!
Be a revolutionary and wave your flag high and proud! That’s the way to rally up your fans. Give them something to rally around.
What if you offend someone?
Who cares!!!!! Stop worrying about offending people! It limits your self expression.
I’m not suggesting that you intentionally say offensive things.
No matter how careful you are-not everyone is going to like you no matter what you do. You’re better off being yourself and saying what you want to say. Give people something to talk about! There is nothing worse than being forgettable.
People hire you because they have a strong opinion about you and resonate with what you’re offering.
The people who say “Hell Yeah” are your right people, and they are the ones who will give you money. The ones who don’t like what you have to say or the way you show up, were never going to buy anything from you to begin with. Got it?
Spend some time identifying what you believe in and stand for in your life and your business. It doesn’t matter if it’s freaky or obscure. If you feel strongly about it and are compelled to take action around this, I guarantee that there are people out there who are waiting for you to raise your flag so they can rally around it.
Helpful questions for identifying what you stand for
What’s your point of view about how the world works?
What drives you crazy?
What do you see as missing?
What pisses you off?
Where do you constantly want to take action to change things?
In most cases, this is what got you into the business that you are in. It’s the WHY and the driving force behind what you do
Share what you stand for in the comments below!
April 4th, 2025 at 10:23 am
What’s your point of view about how the world works? I am not sure at times how the world works but I know it works the way it needs to. I believe that if we are more conscious, our own personal worlds will work better.
What drives you crazy? Fatalistic attitudes. People playing “victim” and moaning about their “bad luck”. We control our own “luck” by the choices we make. Any sort of dishonesty also makes me nuts!
What do you see as missing? Consciousness. If you are aware, your life becomes magic.
What pisses you off? Any sort of dishonesty. Even being dishonest with yourself.
Where do you constantly want to take action to change things? I want to show people that they have the power to access their inner wisdom and create more conscious lives. I want to empower people. I want to help people tweak fate. I want authentic lives; spiritual connection; positive energy.
Theresa | The Tarot Lady´s last [type] ..Talkin’ Tarot With Louise Underhill
April 4th, 2025 at 10:35 am
I remember when I was starting to go full out as a ritualist and Tarot reader how scary it all was–to put myself out there doing that kind of work-now of course I can’t imagine what life would be like if I had not taken that leap-but it all started with defining clearly for myself what I stood for and what I was passionate about just as you say Leah!
Bri Saussy´s last [type] ..Missing the Mark–the truth about Sin
April 4th, 2025 at 11:28 am
My passion is to help enrich families lives and helping them to learn to be free from financial burden.
I guess what ticks me off, is that many people who are in a tough financial situation truly don’t want to change. Many of them will feed off the system instead of trying to do a bit of work to set them free. No, it won’t happen instantly, but with vision it will.
April 4th, 2025 at 12:59 pm
What’s your point of view about how the world works?
It works in magical and mysterious ways sometimes… most of all, we’re all connected, even if we can’t see or understand those connections all the time.
What drives you crazy?
Laziness, incompetence, and intentional deception.
What do you see as missing?
More light, more love, and most of all, more understanding. We’re all in this together, and there’s not enough people actively participating in their own lives.
What pisses you off?
Writers who claim to be writers and still use “they’re”, “their”, and “there” wrong. People who aren’t willing to try.
Where do you constantly want to take action to change things?
My sense of justice for other people runs incredibly high and wild, so I take action verbally. I’m best at pointing out patterns and finding the root of said patterns so people can change for the better.
Love this post! Let that freak flag keep flying!
Hilary Parry | Tarot Reader´s last [type] ..How I (Almost) Ruined My Marriage Proposal—Part 1
April 4th, 2025 at 2:38 pm
Leah!! You’re always rocking it, aren’t you???
What’s your point of view about how the world works?
There’s more to life than meets the eye, and the folks who most think that they know *FOR SURE* how everything works make me nuts.
What drives you crazy?
Well, the above. And people being unconscious. I cannot stand when it’s more important to someone that they attend/see “the game” (whatever game it may be) than that they spend time connecting with Spirit/Self/all that is. I see no meaning in that.
What do you see as missing?
I have to agree with Theresa.. consciousness is missing (although I also believe this is changing). I’d take it a step further though and say that not only does life become more magical… I don’t believe that the violence and evils we’re experiencing and creating as a species are going to shift and change until our group consciousness changes.. so there’s that.
What pisses you off?
Hypocrisy. ‘Nuff said.
Where do you constantly want to take action to change things?
When I see an otherwise intelligent and soulful woman in pain and stuck in her own crap.. but not willing to step up and out of victim mentality… I wanna just shake ‘em!
Angel´s last [type] ..connection and meaning
April 4th, 2025 at 3:51 pm
Thanks for the push on this one! It really makes me think hard about where my freak flag and my area of taking a stand come together to create the business that’s right for me. I’ve tended to keep those separate from my business because it wasn’t obvious how they fit together, but now I’m thinking that may mean that my business isn’t quite the right focus … lots to consider. Thanks!!!
Kenetha Stanton´s last [type] ..The power of yoga is awareness
April 4th, 2025 at 4:11 pm
LOVE IT! I had to learn a long time ago to take a stand, especially when clients tried to tell me how to run a session. So very frustrating of them to do. And it felt SO powerful to finally be able to tell them NO, this is how I do it because it is MY business!
April 4th, 2025 at 6:37 pm
Hi Leah.. loved the questions at the end.. so helpful in crafting a personal perspective. I always LOVE the contrarians.. the opinionated outspoken ones.. and am getting better at letting my own views express in ways that feel a bit risky for me. Great post.
Simple Sacred Solutions to Living Beautifully In Your Body
April 5th, 2025 at 6:28 am
What’s your point of view about how the world works?
I am not in business for myself … yet. But these are great questions still.
What drives you crazy? Negative talk …. about others and about oneself.
What do you see as missing? … permission to do the small things.
What pisses you off? … oppression and suppression.
Where do you constantly want to take action to change things? … I have no answer for this yet.
In most cases, this is what got you into the business that you are in. It’s the WHY and the driving force behind what you do … and still no answer.
Soon, soon … I see things shaping in my mind. Thanks for the thought provoking questions.
Cynthia´s last [type] ..Playing Comes First
April 5th, 2025 at 7:22 am
Great post (as usual) Leah! It took me a good fifty years (yeah, maybe 58) to totally own my freak flag (especially where business was concerned). Now I know that the people I’m best equipped to help, the ones who will get truly great results, are the ones who are attracted to “what I stand for”. And it’s interesting that they don’t even have to agree with that stand;they simply respect it!
April 5th, 2025 at 9:40 am
Great post! I’ve been really working on this exact process recently as I switch from trying to be “everything to everyone” both in business and in my personal life and really taking a hold of what I believe, putting it out there, and sticking to my guns.
My point of view: You only live once so do the things that make you happy and do them well. If it is on your bucket list don’t put it off because life experiences should never be taken in moderation. You create the life you want and should never let anyone else stop you.
What drives me crazy? People who want to play it safe in life yet complain when they don’t get what they truly desire. When self-doubt is allowed to get in the way of something you really want. Nay-sayers!
What do I see as missing? Giving ourselves permission to really live.
Where do I want to take action? Still working on this since everywhere isn’t really an option
I would say with women who hold themselves back from experiencing what they really want to.
Ashley Robinson´s last [type] ..You’ve inspired me
April 5th, 2025 at 11:01 am
Great article. I haven’t figured out yet what I stand for, though I believe that the main thing in life is love. The most important love towards yourself because when you love yourself you can share love with others.
I’ve learned not to be pissed off with most of the things, there is no point in being in a bad mood because somebody behaves like idiot.
the same goes for what drives me crazy.
I sound calm as a python
I think that love part is missing and this is what I would like to change and somehow I’m attracting clients who are ready to change attitude towards themselves.
I totally agree with your statement
“Stop worrying about offending people! It limits your self expression.”
It’s impossible to be liked by everybody, so you may as well be true to yourself.
Thanks for the reminder to think what I stand for.
Inga Deksne´s last [type] ..how to stop poisoning your life with self-doubts
April 5th, 2025 at 7:05 pm
Great read. I am revisiting all these things you mention in a repeat visit to MorningWhip! You wrote this just for me? To haunt me? No, of course not. You wrote it because there’s truth there and I’m just getting it from multiple places!
Marita Rahlenbeck´s last [type] ..Have A Little Faith In Me
April 5th, 2025 at 10:16 pm
What’s my point of view about how the world works?
Hope! There’s always hope. One person can change the world and everyone should try.
What drives me crazy?
Accepting a lame status quo.
What do I see as missing?
Gentleness and vulnerability.
What pisses me off?
Human trafficking.
Where do I constantly want to take action to change things?
I want to restore shalom to the world!
Brandy´s last [type] ..brandyglows:unpolished
April 5th, 2025 at 11:44 pm
Leah, I LOVE this!! What comes to me from the deepest part of my soul is that abundance is all around us if we believe it. Although it may seem that not appealing to the masses or casting the net wide or bleating in the pastures may invoke scarcity, the opposite actually happens. When we stand up for our truth and starting living from that place, the right people with the right money saying and doing the right things show up. I believe in magic as a fact. I think people believing this is what’s missing. Thanks for believing in the magic, Leah!
April 6th, 2025 at 10:37 am
Thanks for all the wonderful comments! I love all the revolutions that are brewing here.