Archive for feelings
Here is How You Can Kick-Fears Ass!
Posted by: | CommentsIn my last post I talked about fear and came to this conclusion:
Originally, fears purpose was survival, but now it mostly keeps you from expanding into your highest potential.
As promised, this time I am going to share my 3 step process for kicking fear to the curb so that you can get on with creating and enjoying your kick-ass life.
So how do you kick fears ass and move it out of your way?
You follow these three steps:
Acknowledge, Explore, and Replace with thoughts about what you are wanting to create.
1. Acknowledge the Fear: Shine the light of awareness on it and don’t let it lurk about in the dark.
Fear can be tricky and likes to lurk around behind other feelings.
Don’t let it pretend to be something else like:
- confusion
- the voice of reason
- I don’t know what to do
- excuses
- self-doubt
- anxiety
- jealousy
- resistance
- nervousness
- worry
- anger
- cluelessness ( is that even a word?)
- procrastination
By shining the light of awareness on it you are making it conscious and you take some power away from it.
2. Explore it and get to know what it is all about.
Do some self inquiry to get clear on what you are really afraid of. You need to know what you are dealing with. This helps you determine how to set yourself up for success and support yourself in moving through it.
Are any of these “itis” coming into play: (via Abraham-Hicks)
- “What-if-itis. Worrying about what hasn’t happened yet.
- “What-is-itis”. Fearing things in your currently reality.
- “Perfectionistic-itis”. Trying to make everything perfect.
- “Analysis-paralisis-itis“. Spending so much time thinking everything through that you don’t take risks. Spending all your time planning ahead for problems that might occur.
Once you are armed with this information, do what you can to resolve any issues, and set yourself up for success.
3. Replace it with thoughts about what you really want.
Choose to focus on how it will feel to be living your kick-ass life. By doing this you are shifting your attention and energy towards what you do want, rather than focusing on your fear. Keep your eye on the prize. When you see all juicy goodness that you are headed for, the fear does not seem so powerful.
Still have questions? Ask away!
I am here to help.
How do I keep from falling back into my old way of being?
Posted by: | CommentsThis is a recent question that I received:
I am so ready to step into my authentic self and really embrace all that I desire, but I still feel part of myself resisting it.
Why is that??
If I can see who I want to be, what is stopping me from jumping in with both feet? Why do I find myself falling back into my old way of being and my ‘not-me’ behaviors?
This is a great question that many of my clients face.
The short answer: You need to commit to feeling things fully so that you no longer need those ‘not-me’ behaviors and old ways of being.
These behaviors and ways of being that you are trying to release are deeply ingrained in your ego and there is energy attached to them. You developed all the ‘not-me’ behavior in order to avoid feeling some kind of undesirable feeling. As children, our bodies are not equipped to run a lot of energy, and as a result, you got overwhelmed very easily. Typically, the folks around you can’t handle it, and you feel that, which enforces the idea that feeling those overwhelming feelings is undesirable, besides the fact that overwhelm does not feel good. So you begin to avoid feeling these energies at all costs.
Enter your EGO.
Your ego loves to identify everything and put a label on it so it knows what to expect. It gets really good at identifying any feeling that could potentially lead to overwhelm and creates all kinds of behaviors that keep you “safe” from these undesirable energies. In order to do this, a whole bunch of unconscious stories, beliefs and habits are developed that make up your perspective around how the world works, and who you need to be in order to survive in it.
What this all comes down to is that you are resisting feeling things fully.
Most of this stuff is unconscious and goes unexamined until you decide to make changes in your life.
Deciding to do the work to change your life is a conscious activity, especially if being truly authentic is your goal. Part of being conscious is to be fully present to what you are feeling…..which equals feeling things fully.
This is a major shift for many people.
The Ego convinces you that the intellect is king and it is all about thinking, where as your higher-self knows that all the information you need is right here in this moment for you to feel.
See the problem here?
If you are not committed to feeling things fully then you miss out on so much importnat information. You also fall back into these unconscious “not-me” behaviors and ways of being that are created to avoid feeling things fully.
The next question is: Won’t my head explode if I am feeling everything fully? Won’t I become overwhelmed?
The reality is that as we grow older and our bodies become fully developed we are totally capable of feeling everything and much, much more than we ever imagined. Your body is designed to be present in this wondrous and amazing world. You can feel and process everything you need to. The best part is, that as you allow yourself to really feel things fully, and experience all that there is for you to experience, it gets easier and easier to do. Your ability to feel and run energy expands. Next thing you know you are tapped right into your ever abundant flow and the world is your playground.
What do you think? Are you ready to jump in to your ever abundant flow?
What Are Your Emotions Telling You???
Posted by: | CommentsLately, I have been talking about Hedonism and how important it is to seek out what feels good to you. This is important work because your emotions are a sure fire way to tell if you are in alignment with all the juicy goodness that is just waiting for you to discover it.
Your emotions are the part of you that is connected to your super deluxe navigation system. It is super deluxe because it is always honing in on what will bring you the most happiness, fun and meaning into your life. This system has an amazing big picture perspective and can clearly see the juicy goodness even when you can’t.
It communicates with you through your emotions. When you are on course, you feel good. You may feel happy, inspired, excited, or interested. The more you focus and think about these good feelings, the farther down the path of juicy goodness you will travel.
When you are veering off course you feel bad. You may become irritated, jealous, frustrated, or angry. The farther of course you veer, the more intense the emotions and the more likely you are to start manifesting negative experiences to go along with and validate the bad feelings. Life will start to suck. This is a clear indicator that you are way out of alignment and totally off course.
I want to add this in: It is not your job to control or change your emotions. All you need to do is learn how to tune into how you feel. Let your emotions guide you along and show you the way to a life that totally Rocks!
What do you trust:Your Head or Your Gut?
Posted by: | CommentsThis morning I was reading the Fast Company daily e-zine. It is always full of interesting information. I came across this article Why Your Gut is More Ethical Than Your Brain and it got me thinking about how the Mind and the Gut works.
This is the way I look at it:
The minds job is to compare and contrast and organize information. It is a big processor of information. Our bodies are designed to be big receivers. All our sensory organs take in the vibration of what is around us, process that information and then your mind labels and identifies everything.Your mind runs everything through the filter of your past experiences. Your mind then organizes this information in a way that makes sense to you.
Our Gut/feelings are also responding to vibrational. Just in a different way. Our gut/feelings are a reflection of our vibrational alignment with our higher sense of knowing…the part of ourselves with the super big picture perspective. Some may call it your soul…or god..I like it call it my higher self. To me, the emotions and gut feeling make up my inner guidance system. Its job is to tell me when I am aligned with my higher self. If I feel good, I am aligned, if I feel bad I am not.
I trust my inner knowing/gut feelings way more than my mind when it comes right down to it.
Because the mind filters everything through your past experiences, and your beliefs and stories about those experiences, it is not offering the most accurate perspective on things. Your mind likes to justify your existing story. It is not necessarily dealing with what is, but rather with what the mind thinks is going on.
What are your thoughts on this? Do you go with your mind or you gut?
I need this thought today…maybe you do to?
Posted by: | CommentsWhen the desire is born, right away you start counting yourselves a failure, because you’ve got this desire that hasn’t been satisfied. Know that you never get it done! And since you never get it done, it’s time to stop being unhappy about what’s undone, because most of it is undone! You are an eternal being. Most of it is undone. Instead of taking score about what’s been achieved — we want you to start feeling anticipation about what is still to arrive…
Excerpted from the workshop in Spokane, WA on Wednesday, July 7th, 1999
I need to take this in today! This week I have been feeling like I am not getting anywhere because there is always more to do. I kept noticing that I was feeling frustrated like there was not end in site!
So…I decided to take a half day break…..give myself some love and self care…enjoy the lovely weather…..and to spend some time with Abraham-Hick. This material always brings me back to center and into alignment. it is such a sweet opening that occurs when I listen to and read this
Rock On!