Archive for sticky web


Caught in The Tangled Web of Conformity

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I’ve been pretty quiet lately. I’ve been all tangled up in a sticky web of “should” and “have too” concerning how I’m supposed to do things in my coaching biz.  It had me feeling totally stressed out, frustrated, and it was draining me of all my creative energy.

The worst part was that being caught in this web was also draining me of my excitement around the awesome new guidebook and discovery group that I am putting together. I’m totally passionate about what I have created, but trying to promote it in this pre-packaged way was making me very unhappy.

Luckily, some folks I’m in a mastermind group with called me out on my shit and said- “Leah, you are all about defying the box, promote this thing any way you want to! Why are you even trying to conform?”

That is a good freaking question!

Why am I caught up in this story that says I have to write up my sales copy in a specific way and put it out in the world in this pre-package format?

When I sit with this question I realize that sometimes I feel vulnerable and too attached to the results when I’m offering my coaching services.  What I’m offering the world is a little piece of my soul and that can feel very scary!  What if no-body wants it?? When I’m in this place, it’s easy to feel like I don’t know what I’m doing and look to other people for advice rather than tuning into what feels right to me. I buy into the idea that I need to do things a specific way to be successful.

What parts of your life do you find yourself thinking that you need to conform to a specific way of doing things?

All I can say is that I’m glad that I’ve come through on the other side!

In the next few weeks I’ll be rolling out my new Discovery group and awesome Guidebook in a way that feels kick-ass to me and I can’t wait to share it with you!


Categories : Clearing the Way
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