Breaking the Box

Archive for problem


This Sucks! How do I make it better ?

Posted by: Leah | Comments (3)

Every subject is really two subjects: What you want and the absence of what you want.

Which one are you focusing on?

Most people find that it is easier to focus on whats absent, what is wrong and what needs to be fixed.

Why is that?

It seems easier to do because that is what you are used to doing.

It is your habit.

Just because it is your habit, does not mean it is the most effective way of creating a life that rocks.
It actually works against you.

By focusing on what is missing, you are giving lots of attention and energy to it. You are basically amplifying the energy of what you do not want and telling the Universe to give you more of it.

This is why when you focus on your problems they get bigger.

But,with a bit of effort, anyone can learn to shift their focus to what they want.

It is as simple as asking yourself "what would be better" when faced with an undesirable situation.

Or noticing what you appreciate about something.

This is especially powerful if you are currently experiencing something that sucks.

The best way to "make it better" is to make a list of everything you appreciate about the sucky situation/person/place/thing.

I know that this can be a bit of a stretch but go ahead and do it anyway.

You have to get the positive vibes flowing before anything good can happen.

Then focus on the solution.

Ask yourself how you want the situation to be.

"what would be better??"

This will not only shift your energy and  make you feel better in the moment, but it also creates space for something more desirable to show up.

Give it a try and let me know how it works for you.

Categories : Stretching Yourself
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Are You A Problem Solver?

Posted by: Leah | Comments (1)

Do you believe that with enough effort or hard work, you can accomplish anything?

Well, I can tell you that I used to buy into that way of thinking.
I worked very hard and put a lot of effort into fixing all the problems in my life, job and relationships. I felt that if I stayed alert, and caught the problem early enough, I could take action to fix it before the shit hit the fan.

As a problem solver, I was always looking for problems, and boy did I find them.
The Universe supplied me with a never-ending stream of issues. I worked very hard and put lots of effort into taking care of all of them and I did accomplish all kinds of things doing it.

Boy was it exhausting!

I was frustrated, stressed out and very unsatisfied. If I am being totally honest I will admit that it sucked having to fix everything all the time.

Then after many years of being extremely frustrated and stressed out I decided to stop looking for problems.

I got wise to the law of attraction and recognized that the Universe had been giving me exactly what I was looking for.

When you look for problems you find them.

I decided to stop focusing on what needed to be fixed and start paying attention to what was working and what felt good.

You know what happened?

My problems started to disappear.

Amazingly enough, things did not fall apart because I was not on high alert. The shit never hit the fan! I was no longer exhausted, stressed out and frustrated all the time. I had tons of energy to explore things that interested me and were fun.

I began to spend time thinking about all the things I wanted in my life, and how I would feel when I had them, and like magic those things began to show up.
They showed up effortlessly and without hard work on my part.


Categories : breaking the box
Comments (1)

You cannot notice what-is and complain about it, and be a vibrational match to the solution. When you were living the problem, you were asking for the solution, and Source said yes immediately. So, there's never a reason for you to be wallowing around in a problem for more than about a second. You can get so good at this that before you're even aware that the problem has gotten started, you've already got the solution under way.

— Abraham

Excerpted from the workshop in Sacramento, CA on Wednesday, July 27th, 2005

Categories : Thought for the day
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